A psychologist analyzes the first statements of the mother of Daniel Sancho

The mother of Daniel Sancho He has visited his son who is in a jail in Thailand for the second day in a row. Furthermore, Silvia Bronchalo has broken her silence and has first spoken to the press upon his release from prison.

The psychologist Lara Ferreiro has visited the set of ‘Cuatro al día’ and has analyzed behavior of Daniel Sancho’s mother in his first statements to journalists. In addition, the collaborator has tested their non-verbal language.

“On this occasion, his non-verbal communication, which in the end is 70% of the messagewhich is the most important thing, what he talks about is that is in shock phasemoves between shock, fear, deep sadness because it is absolutely broken, ”says the psychologist.

“The message where she says that she is not in the media, the message she is sending to the press that in the end she wants remain anonymous and that I wish this had never happened…”, says Lara Ferreiro.

“And then, I’m reading a lot of criticism of Rodolfo Sancho… sorry, each parent takes it in their own waythis is something very personal for each one of them who is having a very bad time… and the family background is that they are in continuous communication”, comments the psychologist on the set of ‘Cuatro al día’.


2023-08-18 18:53:24
#psychologist #analyzes #statements #mother #Daniel #Sancho


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