what’s behind Pedri’s (amazing) muscular transformation?

what’s behind Pedri’s (amazing) muscular transformation?

Barcelona“Pedri’s arm!”, wrote Barça on its social networks with a photograph where the canary could be seen doing strength exercises during one of this week’s training sessions. There is no trace of that almost scrawny footballer who signed for the Blaugrana team three seasons ago. After a first year, the year of his entrance to the big door to the elite, in which he was squeezed until he exceeded the seventy games with Barça and the Spanish national team, the midfielder accumulates two courses marked by injuries “Without Pedri, the team is different”, Xavi has said on more than one occasion behind the scenes. That is why the message from the medical services, the coaching staff and the player himself is clear: the talented Canarian footballer had to improve his physical parameters to prevent muscle injuries, which have bothered him the most.

Last season was marked by a relapse that set off the alarms and that even generated some discomfort between the environment of the footballer and the club. A week before the Liga classic at the Camp Nou, in mid-March, Pedri returned to training after almost a month off. The forecast was that he would not be able to play the whole game, but he would help the team, in an approximate time of about 60 minutes. An estimate that surprised the player’s environment, given the state of the injury. Finally, everything changed that Friday (two days before the game), when the Tegueste footballer had a bad feeling in training and Xavi announced, in the preview of the classic, that he would be out. This premature return to training meant a false step in Pedri’s recovery – the scar was still tender – and the recovery had to be restarted practically from the beginning.

In total, it took almost two months to recover from the muscle injury in his quadriceps, a time that practically doubled the initial estimate. He would eventually return to play a handful of games, but already with the League resolved with four days left until the end of the championship, it was agreed that the midfielder would dedicate the rest of the season to getting rid of his muscle problems. Publicly, Barça only mentioned that Pedri was out “due to discomfort in his right leg”. Inside, with a plan designed largely by the head of strength, David Pozos, priority was given to improving the physical conditions of the canary. He is not the only footballer to whom the Barça doctors have required to improve his strength. Ter Stegen, who has had a record season this year and has put behind the cursed knee problems, has also done exercises to enhance, in his case, actions such as jumping, as already explained by the ARA.

Pedri: Give up the Nations League and work during the holidays

Pedri has focused his efforts on this physical plan, which although it intensified at the end of the season, the message of the medical services that it was necessary to gain muscle mass had already been coming for months. The exercises to gain strength designed by Pozos – who has said goodbye to the club because he has received a good offer to go work in the private sector – have been inherited by Andrés Martín, a physical trainer who worked in the youth A and who has been promoted to the first team An agreement was also reached with Pedri that the priority was to recover and that, therefore, it was best to give up the final phase of the Nations League, which Spain contested and won between 14 and 18 June . “You can’t get injured that much,” they told ARA from the Ciutat Esportiva.

“The aim of not forcing the machine in the last days with Barça and not going with the national team was to unload and, above all, to be able to work to the maximum this summer on the physical aspects. But not only the upper body, which has been for some time he works, but also the lower one”, they explain from the environment of the footballer to this newspaper. “During the season it costs more to work the upper body and now he has had more time to do it, which is why the change is so palpable”, add the same sources. Pedri has also had a lot of impact on the lower body, which, although the evolution is not so obvious, should help him in the prevention of injuries.

This work must also be accompanied by rest throughout the season, but Pedri tends to play everything. The midfielder has taken advantage of the holidays, in which he has been in his native Tenerife, to work in the gym and train on his own. He has also followed the nutritional guidelines recommended by Barça and has complied with the hours of rest. “He’s much more methodical about his eating. He used to be, but even more so now. He allows himself some concessions, but he’s strict about it. He’s also not a person who likes to party much, and that helps.” , they conclude. The goal: to leave behind the cursed muscle injuries and that both Xavi and Barça can enjoy the wonderful football of the Canary Islands.

2023-07-14 05:30:47
#whats #Pedris #amazing #muscular #transformation


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