Top 10 Sales from L1 to the Premier League: LOSC, OL, Monaco, OM

Zapping Goal! Football Club LOSC, OL, Monaco, OM: Top 10 sales from L1 to the Premier League

Cupid fired his last arrow towards London. Present in the English capital to record the last title of her new album, Shakira was seen in charming company … on the arm of Lewis Hamilton. The two lovebirds have even been seen together in a bar where the stars follow one another, the Tape London. If the Colombian singer left the establishment around 3:30 a.m., the British pilot imitated her at 6 a.m. to create a diversion.

“Unquestionably the couple of the year”

Grilled by paparazzi, they finally took the opposite view to take a selfie together! “Shakira’s first selfie with Lewis Hamilton has leaked, can we read on Twitter. This week, Shakira spent time with him in London while recording music for her new album. Undoubtedly the couple of the year. »

To sum up

While rumors are becoming more and more insistent about a possible romance, singer Shakira and pilot Lewis Hamilton posed on the side of London. On Twitter, we are already talking about the couple of the year 2023!

2023-07-16 22:03:29
#Shakira #Lewis #Hamilton #love #selfie


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