The L’Eté du canal festival gears up for the 2024 Olympics with a diverse lineup of activities

One year before the 2024 Olympics, the L’Eté du canal festival is moving into Olympic time. In any case, this is the ambition displayed by the organizers for this 16th edition, which takes place from this Friday and until August 13.

Regulars of these summer events will find the activities that made the success of this annual meeting. On the Canal de l’Ourcq, that of Saint-Denis and the northern loop of the Seine, musical cruises, shows and other sporting activities are always on the program.

Spread over 17 municipalities, the various activities cost from zero to around twenty euros. During the six weekends of the festival, residents and tourists will be able to take advantage of the traditional river shuttles at one euro on Saturday, two euros on Sunday, and always free for children. Departure scheduled every 40 minutes. Floating concerts are also on the program.

If the most restless will be able to rediscover the guinguette spirit on the banks in the afternoon, sport will also be honoured. The parks of La Bergère in Bobigny or La Poudrerie in Vaujours host archery, volleyball or even canoeing, so you can try out these Olympic disciplines.

The Saint-Denis canal continues to develop

For several years, the organization has wanted to develop activities along the Saint-Denis canal, which tends to catch up with the delay in development of its neighbor de l’Ourcq, known for its trendy events. Historically crossed by freight carriers, the Saint-Denis canal has developed its yachting and passenger transport activity for several years.

During their wanderings, festival-goers will be able to admire the cultural evolution of the quays. “The territory is really changing,” enthuses Joséphine Lhopitault of Seine-Saint-Denis Tourisme. It is a canal that has the Street Art Avenue in particular, it is a project of artistic frescoes in view of the general public. This is an unavoidable advantage of this channel. »

For those who don’t have sea legs, the discovery of works of art and concerts can also be done on foot or by bike. The launch of the festivities is scheduled for Friday in Pantin and Romainville and Saturday for the other municipalities.

More information on the website

2023-07-07 06:00:00
#Concerts #Olympic #activities #aperitifs #Eté #canal #festival #opens #weekend


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