Rescued Dogs Meghy and Diana Find a Loving Family in Monza

The two bitches Meghy e Diana (which Il Messaggero also covered in February) they found a new family a Monza with Gianfranco and Diana, who will take care of them giving them the love and attention they need. The announcement was made by the Enpa of Roma: «Do you remember Meghy and Diana recovered by the Norsaa zoophile guards and entrusted to Enpa Rome in judicial custody? Today they were welcomed by a splendid family who thought of adopting them together so as not to separate them and they came to Rome to take them back to Monza by car and avoid an exhausting relay race. These are special adoptions, those of the heart. It is adopted to give a life beyond race, age, beauty. We wish this wonderful human and furry family many beautiful things. Simply thank you.”


The story of Meghy (a 4-year-old setter) and Diana (a 10-year-old Breton) has conquered Italy, treated as toys or, even worse, as punchballs against which to vent their frustrations.

They remained on the balcony for a long time tied to a chain without water and food, without ever leaving the house and when they barked they were systematically beaten until someone decided to denounce what happened every day by seeing those gruesome scenes and making the zoophilic guards intervene of the “Norsaa”. When they were “released” they were very thin and howling in pain, Meghy one for very serious bilateral otitis the other for liquid that came out of her breast for a very serious tumor mass which required a total mastectomy to resolve it.

The ENPA volunteers have spent the last few months in the Tivoli shelter of Debora and Anna: «The two dogs were kidnapped by the zoophile guards in the San Basilio Montesacro area – says Debora – a story written by you in Il Messaggero and also transmitted by the Rai on Tg1, and it all started right from that report, when Gianpaolo and Diana, who had lost a Bretoncina a few days ago, wrote for adoption, it was love at first sight. After the three days in Muratella and the operation at the Roma Sud veterinary clinic they were here with us until a few days ago».

A love that of Giampaolo and Diana continued all these months until their reunion: «Five, six days before, our thirteen-year-old Breton Lola had died, a stray who had picked up our son in Calabria – says Giampaolo – a death sudden due to a hernia, we had given up on getting another one due to the pain we still felt, 5 days had passed when we saw the report on TV, where they talk about this case, it was an immediate decision, a desire to try to adopt them, we immediately wrote to the Enpa. After 4, 5 days there was the first contact with Debora. From here it was a continuation of phone calls, messages, photos, videos. In July going to Termoli (Molise) on vacation we decided to pick them up directly in Tivoli, we spent a few hours with them, walked, they are very good, they immediately fell in love with them. They have been with us for 5 days, they are calm and affectionate despite what they have suffered, every day they wait to take their daily walk. We are very happy it was also a wonderful experience with the volunteers Debora and Anna and the zoophile guards, I hope this will encourage everyone to do the same the love these dogs give you is priceless”.

2023-07-20 09:54:23
#hell #baseball #bat #rebirth #bosses #Monza


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