Exploring the Future of Online Media: Insights and Workshops at the DJB Media Meeting

Top location in the heart of Germany

The Landessportschule Bad Blankenburg has been known for many years as a modern conference center due to its central location in Central Germany and Thuringia and offers the ideal conditions for the DJB media meeting.

Modern seminar rooms, beautiful single rooms and good food – all under one roof. More information about the state sports school can be found here.

online media work

Media and press work is constantly changing and in recent years “online work” has become significantly more important for all media professionals. This ranges from an appealing website and interesting social media content to the creation of moving images.

Since most of the press officers of the state associations and judo clubs have been practicing text design for websites, creating press releases or addressing editors for many years, this year the focus is on three eminently important topics in online media work:

Social Media Platform Tik Tok

Decried as a temporary trend a few years ago, it must now be stated that sooner or later there will probably be no way around this platform if you also want to reach young judoka in the future.

Facebook is now mainly used by adults and Instagram has also come closer to Facebook in terms of its demographic composition. A few years ago, Instagram was still the “hotspot” for young users, but the platform has “aged” with its users.

It still makes sense to use Facebook and Instagram as an association or club, but in order to reach young adults in the best possible way and to bind young judoka to the sport of judo, an appearance on Tik Tok will be necessary in the medium term.

In order to get to know the platform better, speaker Simon Lihl will give us a comprehensive insight into the world of Tik Tok and show us clear instructions.

Simon Lihl is a freelance social media manager specializing in content, storytelling and sports. The ideal speaker for this workshop.

The DJB media meeting is about, among other things, TikTok and its importance in sport and how content can inspire the younger generation for your sport.

Video creation made easy

Video is king! This slogan is always read in connection with social media. Speaker Leon Petzoldt will show you that the creation of moving images with the appropriate tools and apps is feasible for everyone and offers significant added value for the social media platforms. Leon has been part of the media team at the DJB for years and is now self-employed as a qualified media manager with a creative “film agency”.

In the “Mobile Journalism” workshop, topics include simple and fast video production with smartphones and the presentation of the corresponding apps.

Graphic design with Canva

Creating graphics for social media, the club website or flyers – what used to involve a lot of effort and know-how can now be done with software tools without prior knowledge of graphics with a great end result.

Using drag and drop, photos, graphic elements, fonts and videos can be combined to form a coherent overall picture. Whether it’s a social media post or an entire corporate design, everything is possible!

Speaker Anja Felden is a certified social media manager and aims to convey the content and possibilities of the graphics program Canva with the given ease.

Are you interested in the DJB media meeting? Then register now: The registration deadline is October 13, 2023. You can find more information about participation fees, how to get there or the content in the announcement.

It is an open event. Any DJB member over the age of 16 can participate. If you want to support and optimize media work in your association or club, this is the right event for you.

Further information on the speakers and the workshops will follow in the coming weeks.

2023-07-20 11:23:55
#Media #work #transition #German #Judo #Federation


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