Red Lions treat Spaniards to a rain of goals after the break: “Oldies still believe in the final win” | hockey pro league

Only with 6 out of 6 against Spain and the Netherlands can the Red Lions still add the Hockey Pro League to their handsome palmares.

So the Belgians knew what they had to do. Previous confrontation against Spain – last Friday – ended in a goal fair. Although they failed to materialize in a first half, where the Spaniards mainly defended stubbornly.

Only in the second period was the tap turned on. Sébastien Dockier opened the score after 2 minutes of hockey. A few minutes later, Nicolas De Kerpel scored a reassuring second goal.

The hunger of the lions was not yet satisfied. They were still with a lump in their stomach: the strong commotion of the Netherlands during the weekend. So a solo by Victor Wegnaz and two penalty corners by specialist Alexander Hendrickx resulted in a forfait score.

As a result, the latter is busy with another impressive season. The defender of the Red Lions missed half of the games due to illness and injuries, now he made his 11th goal.

The Spanish goal against is just a footnote for the Belgians. They were already thinking about tomorrow’s game. If they can take revenge against the Netherlands, the final win in the Hockey Pro League is prey for the Lions.

The Red Lions have been scornfully portrayed in the Dutch press in recent days as an old team full of thirty-somethings, who were wiped out on Saturday by the young dogs of Orange.

“We will have to show more energy on Tuesday than on Saturday,” Red Lion Florent Van Aubel responds. “Some players in our team belong to an older generation, but also want to prove themselves again.”

“The oldsters are ready to take on this challenge. The motivation in our team will be great tomorrow.”

2023-07-03 20:19:23
#Red #Lions #treat #Spaniards #rain #goals #break #Oldies #final #win #hockey #pro #league


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