Prominent Figures in Aisne Department Honored in Legion of Honor Promotion

Par Writing Coulommiers
Published on 18 Jul 23 at 8:00 See my news Follow Le Pays Briard Deputy Jacques Krabal here during the Nogent-l’Artaud fair in 2014 ©archives LPB

Several personalities and elected officials from the Aisne department appear in the latest promotion of the Legion of Honor of July 14 published in the Official Journal.

Among the 358 people mentioned, we note the name of Jacques Krabal, born on April 10, 1948 in Épieds, retired from teaching, former mayor of Brasles (1983-2008) and former mayor of Château-Thierry from 2008 to 2017 and elected deputy for the 5th district of Aisne in 2012, then re-elected until June 2022.

Mr. Krabal also served as Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly of La Francophonie. Close to President Emmanuel Macron, he worked for the presidential project aimed at creating the Cité internationale de la langue française in Villers-Cottérêts. It was to be inaugurated in the fall.

Renaud Dutreil

Knight since 2010, Renaud Dutreil, the former Secretary of State for SMEs, Trade, Crafts, Liberal Professions and Consumer Affairs then Minister for the Civil Service and State Reform and Minister for SMEs, Trade, Crafts and Liberal Professions from June 2005 to 2007 who exercised part of his political career in the south of Aisne was promoted to Commander.

We remember that Renaud Dutreil was, among other things, general councilor of the canton of Charly-sur-Marne from 1994 to 2006. Substitute for deputy André Rossi since the legislative elections of 1993, he became deputy for Aisne after his death. From June 2007 to September 2008, he was deputy for the first district of Marne (Reims).

The man who sat on the municipal council of Château-Thierry then of Charly-sur-Marne and chaired the community of communes of Charly-sur-Marne decided in August 2008 to put an end to his political career to devote himself to the business world.

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2023-07-18 06:00:02
#July #Aisne #Legion #Honor #deputy #Jacques #Krabal


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