Padel: from Totti to Mourinho, many VIPs for the Major finals in Rome – Tennis

Padel: from Totti to Mourinho, many VIPs for the Major finals in Rome – Tennis

From Francesco Totti to José Mourinho, the women’s and men’s finals of the Bnl Italy Major Premier Padel are a catwalk of VIPs. The former Roma captain, accompanied by his partner Noemi Bocchi, also found Marco Materazzi in the stands, the former Inter defender with whom he won the 2006 World Cup in Italy. The two also greeted the president of Fip, Luigi Carraro , while the Special One came together with the Giallorossi goalkeeper coach, Nuno Santos, positioning himself in a different part of the stadium from that of the two former players and assisting the Spanish couple Triay/Gallego to win against compatriots Josemaria Martin/Sanchez in three sets who have won the first Premier Padel tournament open to women.

Also in the stands are the president and CEO of Sport and Health, Vito Cozzoli, and the city councilor, Alessandro Onorato. Furthermore, the choice of the organizers to play the finals on the Foro Italico Headquarters was rewarded because today’s attendance would not have allowed everyone to attend the matches if they had been played on the Grand Stand Areano.

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2023-07-16 19:48:49
#Padel #Totti #Mourinho #VIPs #Major #finals #Rome #Tennis


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