Mao Medici: The Anthem of Unity for Lissone’s Campagnola Basketball Team

A hymn made in Lissone for the Lissonese Polisportiva Campagnola Don Bosco: it comes out on July 12, at midnight. The text is by the singer-songwriter Mao Medici, former player and now coach of the Campagnola basketball Under 12 teamwho gave Polisportiva a gift with a song that also has an international flavor because it contains the featuring with Irie Sunset, a musician from Stuttgart.

Mao Medici and the anthem made in Lissone for the Campagnola: the basketball Under 12 choir

Lissone Mao Medici

What makes the result special, available to everyone on the artist’s website and on Youtube, is the choir of the Under 12 basketball players (where Mao’s son also plays).

«I wanted to do something for the club, to thank them for the opportunity to coach and to have a role of responsibility – explains the singer-songwriter with several albums to his credit – the only thing I know how to do is write and so it all started from the heart. It took me 20 minutes and the anthem was written. I feel it very much mine, I pitched the idea to Polisportiva and they were enthusiastic. The boys of the choir? I didn’t prepare them – she explains – I went to the field, I brought the mixer, I put them in a group and told them to scream Campagnola! We had fun. Then I met a musician from Stuttgart online, Irie Sunset, and he produced the base».

Mao Medici and the anthem made in Lissone for the Campagnola: passions for music and basketball

Mao Medici has combined two great passions, music and basketball. The result is in his manner: a bubbly, cheerful hymn that celebrates the orange-blue colors of a company that will turn 50 in 2024. Almost an early gift to celebrate the history of a Polisportiva that in Lissone unites many young people around sportteaching true values ​​on the field and remembering that defeat makes you grow up.

«I remember it in the hymn – reveals Mao who anticipates some verses – every defeat always brings an adventure and with the affection of the companions the defeat is less hard. Optimistic by nature, fear does not overthrow us, with pride and ardor, Campagnola is our name».

Mao Medici and the hymn made in Lissone for Campagnola: «A joy for a society that welcomed me with open arms»

Lissone Polisportiva Campagnola

A hymn that is a sense of belonging for those who are part of the large family of Polisportiva Campagnola Don Bosco in Lissone.
«I would like it to be played before home games – says the singer-songwriter – for me it is a joy to have given this song to a society that welcomed me with open arms and in which my son also plays».
For the singer-songwriter from Lissone it is the fifth hymn after the one for Gs Vedano, the Spring Festival of Lissone, Versi Diversi and the song he dedicated to Bellariaused as theme song for the national BimMusicNetwork award in Bellaria led by Mogol.

2023-07-11 19:10:44
#Mao #Medici #hymn #Lissone #Campagnola #Don #Bosco


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