Judo Champion Natalia Padilla Rugerio Sets Sights on International Competitions

TLAXCALA.- International commitments have the judoka Natalia Padilla Rugerio on the doorstep.

On the agenda is the World Cup in Croatia in August and the Pan-American Championship in Canada in September.

The goals are clear, in the World Cup they want to advance in the graph and in the Latin American competition to return to the title.

“Look for new challenges and go up little by little. In the Pan American I seek to hang the gold medal and end up being the Pan American champion “

The motivation is in the last achievement in the National Games, being a two-time champion and already having three national titles. She wants to continue being the example of the group where she trains.

“It represents many things, mainly, continuing with this discipline that I have and a greater commitment to myself and my state, to my team, to my coach and the drive of my team to move forward”

Natalia celebrates in this 2023, 10 years of judo practice, a sport that has given her much satisfaction.

2023-07-15 05:28:14
#judoka #Natalia #Padilla #attend #Croatia #Canada


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