Inclusion Through Play: Sport Adapted Day in Conflent

Inclusion Through Play: Sport Adapted Day in Conflent

Inclusion through play was the aim of this day, which took place in the Conflent sub-prefecture on the initiative of the “Sport adapted du Conflent” association.

No less than eighty young people were gathered on this Monday, July 17 at the Saint-Martin de Prades plain. There, the “Adapted Sport of Conflent” association, the street educators of Perpignan and Prades, the youth leisure area, the Pardalets living center and the IME (medico-educational institute) “Al Casal” were given an appointment for a rather sporty day. Indeed, archery, climbing, tennis, basketball and other wooden games were among the activities offered.

Inclusion through sport with the Sport Adapté association in Conflent Ph. C.

“The idea is to provoke meetings around physical activities and thus work on living it together. Last year we had prepared an orienteering race and this year, therefore, a discovery day”explained Damien Bès the president of the organizing association.

Association which was able to create this event after having responded for the second consecutive year to a call for projects launched by the FFSA (French federation of adapted sport) on citizenship and ethics. Exceeding oneself, openness to all without distinction, respect for the rules, citizenship and commitment of the population (…), so many values ​​carried through the various sports activities.

Inclusion through sport with the Sport Adapté association in Conflent Ph. C.

About ten mixed teams were able to try out each discipline from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thus, young people, whether they have a disability or not, were able to share different experiences, without any distinction, around the sports hall and the Pradean infrastructures. And it was enough to see the smiles and the enthusiasm to qualify the day as a success.

2023-07-18 10:28:00
#PyrénéesOrientales #day #dedicated #sport #Prades


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