French Paralympic Judo Team Prepares for International Competitions at Base du Temple-sur-Lot

A few weeks away from major international competitions, the French Paralympic judo team is preparing at the Base du Temple-sur-Lot.

The French PARA team is taking part from July 17 to 27 in a training camp at the Base du Temple-sur-Lot as part of its preparation for the IBSA European Championships (August 8-10 in Rotterdam) and the IBSA World Championships (August 23-25 ​​in Birmingham). “There are several objectives. The first is to bring together all the athletes, because they are usually spread all over France”, confides Christophe Gagliano, Elite coach, before continuing. “We are also preparing the athlete. It’s a kind of kick-off for the Paralympic Games in Paris next year.” For this, the supervisors of the French Judo Federation have put the small dishes in the big ones. Nearly forty athletes are present, including ten paras, divided into several categories (deaf, visually impaired and blind), on the facilities of Temple-sur-Lot. “This is the first time we have so many partners dedicated to Paralympic athletes. We will try to have them throughout the year with us”, indicates Antoine Hays, director of parajudo.

A rare opportunity therefore, but very useful in order to prepare for the upcoming deadlines. Especially since the athletes are well housed in Lot-et-Garonne. “It’s the first time I’ve come, I didn’t know this place. It’s very good because we have everything. The setting is super nice. In accommodation, it’s the best I’ve seen so far”, underlines Gagliano, visibly won over by the place. And it’s not the only one, as Hays confirms. “The problem is often traveling with the blind. But here, we have everything on site. We have a large dojo and, in terms of security, we are quiet.”

High goals this summer for the French

For ten days, the athletes work on the tatami in view of the upcoming deadlines. “What will happen this summer will count. The games, at home, are in everyone’s head. We have already mentioned it, we have it a little in mind but everything in its time… These deadlines will allow us to refine the selection, “admits Gagliano, very attentive to the behavior of the athletes.

On the side of the latter, seriousness is required. The program is followed to the letter and respected. Because the dates follow one another. European Championships at the beginning of August, then World Championships at the end of August, and Grand Prix of Baku (Azerbaijan) a month later. A hearty program but also enticing, according to Sandrine Martinet, Paralympic, world and European champion. “There are short, medium and long term deadlines, but the long term is not that far away… We are focused a little on both but we are first focused on what happens”, explains one of the headliners of the French colony. “I want to score points to be well placed in the world rankings.” Identical intentions with Cyril Jonard, also Paralympic, world and European champion. Even if he will not participate in the European championships, his objectives remain high. “It’s a great preparation for the Games, where I want to win the gold medal for my family and my loved ones.” The story would be beautiful for the one who was Paralympic champion in 2004 in Athens (Greece), almost twenty years ago. But achieving this goal requires a good internship at the Temple this week. A site that obviously appeals to the Blues, since they should return there next year, a few weeks before the Games…

2023-07-23 03:18:08
#final #stretch #Games


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