Exploring Judo and Self-Defense: A Project Week at Hochwald-Gymnasium Wadern

waders At the Hochwald-Gymnasium Wadern, the students could choose from a wide range of three-day projects as part of a project week. The “Judo and Self-Defense” workshop was designed in cooperation with the Judo Club “Don Bosco” Uchtelfang.

At the beginning of the course, the participants researched about judo, its history and its way to Europe. When comparing “typically European” duel sports such as wrestling or boxing with judo, it was found that the main difference is not just the movement techniques, but that judo is not only the sporting aspect but also an educational system that follows precise social rules.

In the practical part, the students first learned falling techniques that are also useful in everyday life, for example to avoid injury when falling. This was followed by basic fighting techniques both standing and on the ground, followed by examples of some of these self-defense techniques in the event of a physical attack.

If you wanted, you could complete the workshop with the exam to acquire the yellow and white belt. With joy and pride in their own achievements, the candidates then received the official certificates of the German Judo Federation and the yellow and white belts as a visible sign of qualification – the first step towards a black belt (master’s degree in judo).

At the school festival on the last day of the project, the participants presented the skills they had learned and designed hands-on activities, such as falling techniques and judo games, for the visitors, who made good use of these opportunities.

Our reader reporter Edwin Didas from Nohfelden

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2023-07-24 08:51:45
#days #judo #HWG


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