Club Naco Celebrates Parents’ Day with Sports and Fellowship

Parents share with their children after being awarded a medal. External source

For the second consecutive year, the Board of Directors of Club Naco, together with the Sports Department, held the celebration of “Parents’ Day” in a very unique way, where Sports and fellowship were the protagonists.

“On behalf of the Board of Directors, headed by the immortal of Sports, Mario Alvarez Soto and the other members, we are very happy to celebrate Father’s Day in this way in our Naqueña family, thanks to the Fathers for living, once again , this experience of fellowship”, said the director of Sports, Manuel Diaz Coronado.

He stressed that it was necessary to see the happy faces that both parents and their children showed when it came to training together the sport that they love passionately and that they have been doing since they were children.

This group of parents trains in Judo with their children. External source

parents talk

The different parents who were approached could not hide their happy faces, since being next to their children doing sports and accompanying them was something incredible”, said one of the basketball parents.

The same thing also happened in swimming, tennis, volleyball, karate, table tennis, gymnastics, basketball and other sports.

One of the volleyball parents indicated that being with his daughter and having her give them a medal for their support work in this beautiful stage of her life, “is something indescribable, thanks to the Board of Directors for giving us these unforgettable moments.” commented the happy father.

2023-07-30 19:49:27
#Club #Naco #celebrates #Fathers #Day #sons #awarded #medals


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