Celebrating 40 Years of the Association Sportive Montaltaise (ASM): A Family Affair

the essentials The “family” of the Association Sportive Montaltaise (ASM) celebrated its 40th anniversary with great fanfare. Nearly 400 people gathered under the new village hall to mark the occasion.

François, Jean-Claude, Régine, Joseph, Robert, Marie-Christine had said to themselves in 1983: “And if we animated our castelnau asleep on its hill where young people turn in circles. On July 7, 1983, the Association Sportif Montaltaise (ASM) was born with tennis and table tennis. In the fall of the same year, basketball appeared on tiptoe since no one knew anything about it… Only Robert and Michel had an idea. Then, regularly, they made an appointment, often, all the time, at the Campet. These visionary Montaltais learned, knocked on the right doors, resisted, hung on.

Then, time passed, without even realizing it, François remained president for 17 years, Jean-Claude is still in the numbers, Marie-Christine is still there, others have gone to heaven or passed away . They had instilled in everyone notions of respect, humility, investment in youth so that it continues again and again.

A successful bet!

1986, the “nest” of the ASM is born, the arms and the sweat of the volunteers endow the Campet quarry with cozy equipment sheltered behind the Virgin for the hatching of young shoots. The results are not long in coming, several titles and participation in the final stages in all categories reward the courageous volunteers and the management staff. The training, the bet on young people also pays off, the club becomes a regional reference.

The ASM can no longer stop, it is gone for a long time in the wake of several players from this Montalt room now judiciously named François-Pécaut, still honorary president. Laétitia, Fabien, Ingrid, Bruno and Pierre have become professional or high-level players, some have covered themselves with tricolor; young referees have grown up; the educators were recognized as specialists… The challenge was won.

Nearly 400 people to celebrate the club’s 40th anniversary

Then 2023 rang, they said to themselves: if we meet under the new hall of the village with this large family which has resisted high tides and low tides. And you, François, who only wanted to get the village moving; and you, Jean-Claude, who only knew how to count; and you Didier, Patrick, Mike, David, Philippe, who passed the baton: it’s nice to meet again 40 years later as if it were yesterday. You can’t put 40 years on the table like you spread out your letters in Scrabble.

However, the family ended up at 400… and there were not enough. The family sang, laughed, remembered, joked, shared the meal. The party lasted late into the night. One thing is certain, the great women and great men who have made this 40-year adventure possible have tried a 3-point basket and they have done well. How about we meet again in 10 years!

2023-07-14 16:44:48
#years #basketball #celebrated #great #fanfare #MontautlesCréneaux


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