Where to go by bike in Lombardy, the 8 most beautiful cycle paths

If you are looking for destinations to go cycling in Lombardy this summer, you can follow our suggestions on the most beautiful cycle paths.
From beautiful cycle paths in Lombardy there are plenty of them and for all tastes. Numbers in hand, we are talking about the Italian region that boasts the largest number of bicycle itineraries: over 1500 in total and around 1,200 in the province of Milan, counting cycle paths, cycle paths, mixed paths and footpaths.
Choosing the best routes is not easy at all, but we tried.

The 8 most beautiful cycle paths in Lombardy

Mountains, plains, cities, lakes and canals: this region of northern Italy is capable of offering a stupendous experience variety of settings and landscapes to those who love to go out by bike, both with a racing vehicle and with a mountain bike. Most of these cycle paths can be covered in a day with the whole family, while other itineraries need a few more days to be fully discovered.

Abbiategrasso – Sesto Calende cycle path
Valtellina path
The Oglio cycle path
Naviglio Martesana
The Val Brembana cycle path
The Naviglio Grande cycle path
Valganna cycle path
The cycle path from Milan to Arona

Abbiategrasso – Sesto Calende cycle path

This route of 51 kilometers and 106 meters of altitude difference extends along the Naviglio Grande (from Abbiategrasso) and then coast along the Villoresi canal and the Ticino in the last stretch. The surrounding nature and waterways make pedaling very relaxing, also because it is an entirely cycle path, with no cars whizzing alongside. Once you arrive in Sesto Calende, before leaving again, you can stop at one of the small beaches on the Lake Maggiore. Please note: the lack of protection between the cycle path and the canal (only in some correctly signposted sections) makes the itinerary not particularly suitable for inexperienced children.

Valtellina path

Officially it is called “path”, but in reality it is a very long cycle path (mainly paved) of 114 kilometers that connects Colico to Bormio (and vice versa), passing through Morbegno, Sondrio, Tirano and Grosio. The Sentiero Valtellina develops along the Adda river and meets several typical villages of the area. The glimpses of the river are breathtaking and thanks to the mountains you can cycle in a truly picturesque settingwhere green is the dominant color. The ideal would be to cover the itinerary in two days, stopping to sleep in one of the various B&Bs present. The Sentiero Valtellina has 46 access points, 7 bike rental points and 40 equipped rest areas. From Colico to Sondrio the difference in height is low, then the track begins to become increasingly steep and tiring.

Oglio cycle path

In the list of beautiful cycle paths in Lombardy, the spectacular Oglio cycle path, elected, could not be missing “Italy’s most beautiful cycle path” during the 2019 Italian Oscars ceremony for cycling tourism. The itinerary is about 280 kilometers long and crosses Lombardy from north to south, touching the provinces of Brescia, Bergamo, Cremona and Mantua. It starts from Passo del Tonale (1880 meters) and arrives on the River Oglio near the famous “Pontoon bridge” (appeared in several films, such as Don Camillo by Terence Hill) which connects San Matteo delle Chiaviche to Cesole (Mantova). The altitude difference is 1862 meters, and only 20% of the route is paved: it is better to have a mountain bike. One of the most evocative (and simple) sections of the Oglio cycle path is the Val Camonica cycle path, which begins in Capo di Ponte (headquarters of the Rock Engravings National Park) and ends after 40 kilometers in Pisogne.
If you want to learn more about the itinerary you can read this article.

Naviglio Martesana cycle path

We have already talked about the Martesana: a beautiful cycle-pedestrian path which, along the so-called Naviglio Piccolo, connects Milan, starting from via Melchiorre Gioia (not far from the Central Station), to Concesa, a fraction of Trezzo sull’Adda. Among picturesque villas, boundless fields and vegetation of all kinds, the 37-kilometre route (mostly flat) is perfect for those who want escape from the city and enjoy a day in the countryside. A piece of advice: due to the high number of pedestrians, it is best to avoid this itinerary on weekend afternoons in spring and early summer.

Val Brembana cycle path

Suitable for all families thanks to its 21.8 kilometres and at its minimum height difference, this particular itinerary in the heart of Val Brembana (province of Bergamo) follows the route of the old valley railway. In fact, along the cycle path, you enter with the bike inside a series of lighted tunnels, very impressive indeed. The route starts from Bergamo and ends at the town of Piazza Brembana, crossing the splendid green areas of the Bergamo area.

Naviglio Grande cycle path

Cycling along the Naviglio Grande is equivalent to an immersion in Milanese history, just think that along the way you come across San Cristoforo, the oldest church in Milan. The cycle path runs along the left towpath for 20 kilometres, from the Milanese dock to Abbiategrasso. To find out more, here you will find all the information and insights on this itinerary.

Valganna cycle path

It connects Italy to Switzerland (and vice versa) and is suitable for all types of bicycles. It is ideal for those who appreciate the peace and atmosphere created by lakes, as the route runs alongside the Ghirla glacial lake, Ganna lake and Lugano lake. If you live in Lombardy, the departure is set in the village of Ganna (Varese) and the arrival point is in Caslano, in the Lugano district. The itinerary, being of 19 kilometres, can be easily covered in an afternoon and is not characterized by a particular difference in height: the outward journey is flat and downhill, while the return journey is a little more tiring. Part of the route is on a cycle path, while some sections are on country roads where very few cars pass. The end of the route is nothing short of suggestive: after passing the customs, you can go around the promontory and admire Lake Lugano from above.

Milan – Arona cycle path

The first part of this itinerary of about 80 kilometers is part of the Naviglio Grande cycle path which we mentioned previously. Once you have passed Abbiategrasso, you arrive on the Ticino River and then you go along the waterway up to Arona, a municipality located on the magnificent Lake Maggiore. Here you can find more useful information for this bike tour.
(cover photo: www.valtellina.it)

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2023-06-26 12:54:33
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