The Pozzecco Italbasket on Alpe Cimbra. The ball in wedges is at home in Folgaria with the camp: “We believe in sport as a tourist offer and as a way to train young people”

FOLGARIA. After 6 years they meet again on Alpe Cimbra il Folgaria basketball camp and the senior national. “We are honored to host the Azzurri once again,” he says Gianluca Gatti, president of the company for tourism in the area. “A very important appointment in view of the 2023 World Cup and an opportunity for all our tourists to admire the great athletes. The world of basketball is at home in the area”.

L’Italbasket was prepared in Folgaria as the venue for the blue rally from 2012 to 2017 and then “moved” to Our Lady of Campiglio, Pinzolo e Val Rendena. “Sports facilities are available – adds Gatti – for 35 years we have also hosted the Folgaria Basket Camp with hundreds of children who love this discipline. Our Apt’s commitment to the world of sport is strong and constant. Ours candidacy for European community for 2025 is the emblem of the fact that our territories believe in sport both as a tourist offer and as an important training for our children”.

Coach Gianmarco Pozzecco’s Azzurri will be meeting in Folgaria just two days after the end of the fifth round of the Fbc whose curtain will fall Saturday 22nd July. The blue training camp in Folgaria will begin on Monday 24 July and will end on Wednesday 2 August, after which the team will move to Trento to participate in the eighth edition of the Trentino Basket Cup, which will be played on 4 and 5 August at the Blm Group Arena. Alpe Cimbra will therefore be the first stage of the approach to the Fiba World Cup 2023 which will be played from 25 August to 10 September between the Philippines, Indonesia and Japan.

“A little over a week before the start of the 35th camp, our enthusiasm is pouring out with this good news. The arrival of the national team in Folgaria gives even more prestige to this locality that hosted it for 6 consecutive years. From for our part we are ready to go: we are the number 1 camp in Italy, we have 1,150 kids enrolled in our 5 shifts and we have been sold out for three months. A great satisfaction that allows us to celebrate our 35th birthday in the best possible way”. concludes Renato Caroli, director of the Folgaria Basketball Camp.

2023-06-11 15:22:10
#Pozzecco #Italbasket #Alpe #Cimbra #ball #wedges #home #Folgaria #camp #sport #tourist #offer #train #young #people


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