Sergio Ramos leaves Paris Saint-Germain after two seasons


Spanish international footballer Sergio Ramos has announced this Friday that he is leaving Paris Saint-Germain after two seasons playing in the French capital, having added two Ligue 1 titles and a French Super Cup to his lustrous and extensive record.

“Tomorrow will be a special day, I will say goodbye to another stage of my life, goodbye to PSG. I don’t know how many places one can feel at home but, without a doubt, PSG, its fans and Paris have been one of them for me. “, Ramos himself commented through his social networks.

“Thank you for two special years in which I have been able to play all the tournaments and I have been able to give my best level. I will face new challenges, I will wear other colors, but first, for the last time: Allez Paris!” added the Andalusian defender in your farewell message.

PSG itself has indicated on its website that, after signing for the Paris club on July 8, 2021, Ramos “has brought experience, discipline and a competitive spirit, driven by a sense of sacrifice and the hunger to win everything”.

In 57 games played with PSG, the footballer from Camas scored five goals, including the first on January 23, 2022 in Ligue 1 against Stade de Reims. From November 28, 2021 to January 1, 2023, he remained undefeated with the Parisian club in 34 matches.

“Paris Saint-Germain is delighted to have seen Sergio Ramos defend his colors with such determination and sincerely wishes him all the best for the rest of his career,” highlighted the press release issued by the capital team.

“We want to express our immense gratitude to Sergio Ramos for the two years he has spent with us,” said Nasser Al-Khelaïfi. “Sergio’s leadership, team spirit and professionalism, combined with his experience at the highest level, make him a true football legend, and it was an honor to have him in Paris. Everyone at the club wishes him the best.” The president of PSG has concluded.

2023-06-02 21:40:06
#Sergio #Ramos #leaves #Paris #SaintGermain #seasons


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