Protein products: guide to choosing

Protein is a vital nutrient for our well-being. As are, on the other hand, carbohydrates and fats. But if it is true that we find foods rich in carbohydrates and fats easily and in abundance, we instead have difficulty finding foods that contain proteins. And there’s more: the need for protein varies even when we are still, that is, even without practicing physical activity. In fact, it changes with age. This is why it is essential to provide our body with the right amount of protein. And above all knowing how protein products can help us in our daily lives.

Proteins: what they are and what they are for

Proteins are the main components of our body. Muscles are made of protein, you know, but so are your skin, nails and hair. Proteins are also part of enzymes and hormones, for example. And in every instant of our life there is a continuous exchange of the single “bricks” that compose them. Is called turn over. It is a physiological process, that is, completely natural. This is why it is essential to supply the right amount of protein every day to our body. If we don’t take enough of it, there isn’t enough replacement “material” and so, in the long run, day after day, the body risks important deficiencies.

How much protein do you really need?

Our protein needs change throughout our lives. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommends that adults consume at least 0.83 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day (e.g. 58 g/day for a 70 kg adult). There is a but. This contribution must increase in two situations: when we practice physical activity or sport, since the turnover mentioned above increases, and with advancing age. Starting from the age of 38-40, in fact, the daily protein requirement reaches the gram per kilo per day as a minimum quantity. The total daily intake should then be divided into each meal and snack. This improves the absorption of this nutrient, stimulates satiety and, last but not least, increases the metabolism (if you want to learn more, read the article. Click WHO).

Protein foods? Let’s take the good

Bars, yogurt, solutions for breakfast. But also pasta and shortbread. The list of products that highlight the high protein content is extensive. In the last two years, in fact, there has been an increase in the consumption of this type of product. Let’s be precise: this is not an invitation to consume more proteins indiscriminately or to base our daily diet on this nutrient. Instead, it is an opportunity: that of better balancing our meals and snacks by providing practical and complete solutions. The reason? It’s simple: in recent decades, our diet has moved easily towards choices rich in carbohydrates. The result has been an increase in the intake of this nutrient, in particular of refined ones such as sugars, leading to a consumption exceeding our needs. On the other hand, foods that provide carbohydrates are palatable, i.e. good, cheap and, at times, are addictive. Thus, a lack of protein intake has arisen in the majority of the population, especially from the age of 40. In fact, it is difficult to achieve an adequate daily protein intake. In this sense, foods enriched in proteins can prove to be an opportunity. On one condition, however: knowing how to choose them.

How to choose a product rich in proteins

Let me be clear: products with more protein must not be understood as ingredients of a diet richer in protein, but in a balance with carbohydrates and fats. Specifically, there are among the aspects that I consider when choosing a product that provides protein:

sugars: it must have a low intake of this nutrient, as low as possible, and which, at the same time, does not contain artificial sweeteners;

the protein concentration: the words on the packaging “source of protein” and “rich in protein” are not synonymous. The first indicates that the protein component of the product supplies at least 12% of the total calories, the second instead 20%. Basically, as a snack I opt for a food that contains from 7 to 15 g of protein, while for a possible meal replacement I choose one that overall can provide me with a minimum of 21 g of protein and a maximum of 28 g. If the product contains only and exclusively proteins, I always associate a food that can balance with carbohydrates, such as a portion of fresh fruit.

the fats: my favorite is extra virgin olive oil. More generally, I check that there is, in particular, no palm or rapeseed oil. Even better without sunflower seed oil, in this case I accept it only if in the “high oleic” form. Well with coconut oil, which provides medium chain triglycerides which, in the right doses, have a positive impact in the management of metabolic inflammation, mental efficiency and endurance performance.

Photo: Valentina Celeste

balanced diet protein foods fats protein products proteins protein synthesis sugars

2023-05-31 10:21:50
#Protein #products #guide #choosing


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