Piacenza Baseball Settle for Draw Against Rebels in Final Game

After winning game one, Piacenza Baseball suffers the comeback of the Rebels in the final game two and returns from Avigliana with a draw that is not very useful for the standings.

We are 1

Piacenza got off to a good start right away, obtaining two points in the first attack thanks to a double from Minoia followed by a valid bunt from Schiavoni, a sacrifice sprint from Loardi and another bunt from Calderon badly played by the Piedmontese defence. The other two scores bear the signature of Perez (double) and Marelli in the fourth, then Schiavoni (double) and Calderon in the eighth. The prowess of the pitchers Cufré, Loardi and Molina makes these booty points sufficient to bring about a very important victory.

PIACENZA BASEBALL 2-0-0-1-0-0-0-1-0 4

AVIGLIANA 0-0-0-1-0-0-0-0-0 1

Training: Minoia ec, Schiavoni 3b/ed, Loardi dh/lan, Calderon 1b, Gibson es, Perez 2b, Marelli ss, Carsana ed (Cufré 3b), Gardenghi ric. Pitchers: Cufré (rl5.1 bv7 bb2 k3 pgl1), Loardi (rl2.2 bv0 bb1 k5 pgl0), Molina (rl1 bv0 bb0 k1 pgl0); All.: Marenghi G.

We are 2

In this case it is Avigliana who scores first but the red and white respond immediately and in the second inning they take the lead with three runs from the hits of Gibson, Baraldo and Minoia strengthened by the sacrifice of Gardenghi and the opening base earned by Calderon. Dall’Agnese resumed his rhythm and for four innings he kept his opponents scoreless, who shortened the distances with the point of 3-2 in the sixth. Piacenza’s leadership doesn’t seem to be in question, also because the attack still extends to the seventh thanks to Loardi’s single that pushes Minoia home.

At the change of pitch, however, the home attack wakes up and with a double and three singles scores the three points that are worth the 5-4 lead. Piacenza doesn’t agree, it reacts immediately and Perez’s and Gardenghi’s hits are worth the provisional 5-5. In the lower part of the eighth, however, the red and white defense immediately finds itself with the bases occupied and zeros eliminated. At that point morale collapses, Avigliana finds three points thanks to a single and a sacrifice fly and then closes the door in the face of Piacenza’s attack in the ninth inning. Piacenza can recriminate for a meeting that would have allowed them to shorten the standings by virtue of the defeat suffered by Catalana on the field of Fossano in the first meeting and which instead could represent yet another missed opportunity in this ups and downs season.

PIACENZA BASEBALL 0-3-0-0-0-0-1-1-0 5

AVIGLIANA 1-0-0-0-0-1-3-3-X 8

Training: Minoia ec, Schiavoni 3b, Loardi ed/1b, Cufré 2b, Calderon 1b, Perez ss, Gibson es, Baraldo dh, Gardenghi ric. Launchers: Dall’Agnese (rl7 bv9 bb2 k5 pgl3), Molina (rl0 bv1 bb2 k0 pgl3), Sanna (rl1 bv1 bb2 k0 pgl0); Herds: Marenghi G.


2023-06-26 13:27:05
#Piacenza #Baseball #returns #Avigliana #draw


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