New batch of bivalents arrives in the country for the population between 5 and 12 years of age

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) through the Expanded Immunization Program (PAI) announced the arrival of a new batch of 18,000 doses of bivalent vaccines, which will reinforce the National Continuous Vaccination Program for the population from 5 to 12 years of age, stated Itzel S. de Hewitt, EPI national coordinator.

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Hewitt indicated that “this new batch of vaccines will be distributed to the different regions, which is pending to apply to the population, since the denominator that we have taken as starting point, are all those people who received their two doses of monovalent vaccines ”, Hewitt pointed out.

He also recalled that it is important that the population go to the vaccination posts, for this You must carry your documents such as your passport, ID, vaccination card; Also comfortable clothes, for the days where we will be offering not only the vaccines against COVID-19 but the entire offer of the National Vaccination Scheme.

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The Minsa reiterates to the population that, due to the rainy season, respiratory viruses are on the prowl and it is recommended that the population go to health centers, sub-centers and police centers in all the country. Vaccines save lives and are free.

2023-06-30 01:31:10
#batch #bivalents #arrives #country #population #years #age


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