Habesohn surprises in table tennis round of 16 – sport.ORF.at

Daniel Habesohn from Vienna caused a surprise in the table tennis round of 16 at the European Games in Poland on Sunday. The 36-year-old defeated the 21-year-old Swedish ex-vice world champion Truls Möregardh 4:3 and will play Croatian Andrej Gacina for the semifinals on Monday. Sofia Polcanova and Robert Gardos were eliminated in the round of 16.


Habesohn had already surprised in the previous round with a 4:3 victory over Brit Liam Pitchford (No. 9). After turning a 3-1 deficit against Pitchford, he took a 3-1 sets lead against Möregardh. A match point wasted and two sets later it was the deciding set, in which Habesohn set the pace from the start and couldn’t be caught anymore. In his opening match, Habesohn defeated the Greek Ioannis Sgouropoulos 4:1.

As unexpected as Habesohn’s success was, Polcanova’s defeat by the Pole Natalia Bajor was just as unexpected. And that with a 1:4 after the European champion had won the opening set safely. Already in the morning Gardos had to say goodbye to the singles. He lost 4-2 to Darko Jorgic from Slovenia, number four.

2023-06-25 16:37:30
#Habesohn #surprises #table #tennis #sport.ORF.at


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