Curiosities: Hockey championship trophy missing – DHC apologizes

After the hockey players of Mannheimer HC had to celebrate their title win at the weekend without the championship trophy, Düsseldorfer HC apologized. Furthermore, last year’s winner doesn’t know where the good piece ended up. “I can’t explain how that happened either. We’re still looking for them at high pressure. The whole thing is incredibly uncomfortable for us,” said DHC chairman Niels-Ansgar Maisch to the “Rheinische Post”. The MHC had celebrated its triumph with an ordinary, self-inscribed plate. According to Maisch, Düsseldorf “turned the entire catacombs, cabins and clubhouse inside out” to find the real trophy. They also “called the town hall” and asked the engraver whether she had stayed where she was being honored. Everything has been unsuccessful so far. The shell was kept in the cabin, which is locked with a numerical code. There were no signs of a break-in. If the trophy does not appear again, the DHC will try to find an adequate replacement.

2023-06-07 07:16:29
#Curiosities #Hockey #championship #trophy #missing #DHC #apologizes


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