Asojudina Judo Cup will be this Saturday at the Olympic

SANTO DOMINGO.- The traditional Judo Cup, which is organized every year by the Judo Association of the National District (Asojudina) will open this Saturday, at 9:00 in the morning, at the National House of that sport in the Olympic Center.

The information was released by Sócrates Cuello, president of Asojudina, who pointed out that the contest will be dedicated to Ángel Serrulle Joa, former head of the organization.

Cuello stated that more than 400 athletes will take part in the contest, whose logistics are fully assembled.

The tournament, which has the endorsement of the Dominican Judo Federation (Fedojudo), will have the participation of athletes in the youngest to adult categories, a competition that will bring together practically the judokas who are called to become the elite of judo.

The sports leader indicated that the most outstanding competitors will integrate the pre-selection, from which the team that will represent the country in national and international events will be selected.

The Judo Cup of the National District has the collaboration of institutions such as Iparra del Caribe, Administrative Ministry of the Presidency, Plaza Lama, Seprisa, Asociación Pq, Café Santo Domingo, Elías Distribución, Gatorade, and Facchada, Aluminum carpentry.

The contest will feature athletes from Matsunaga Dojo, Naco Judo Club, National Judo House, Bameso Judo, UASD Judo, Villa Francisca Judo Club, Tavárez Judo, Kosen Dojo, and as special guests are the Canillitas club of Don Bosco , as well as the universities APEC, INTEC, O&M, Catholic University of Santo Domingo, PUCMM, UASD, UNEV, UNIBE, University of the Caribbean, UNPHU, UTE and UTESA.

2023-06-02 19:59:01
#Asojudina #Judo #Cup #Saturday #Olympic


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