Yongin Special City, Gyeonggi-do Sports Festival for the Disabled, 7th place overall ‘fighting spirit is the best’: Jeong Pil 正筆

▲ The 13th Gyeonggi-do Sports Festival for the Disabled, the cheering squad from Yongin Special City

[정필=이승현 기자 [email protected]] The disabled sports team in Yongin Special City finished the 4-day journey from the 27th to the 30th of last month and finished 7th out of 31 cities and counties participating in the ’13th Gyeonggi-do Disabled Sports Festival 2023 Seongnam’.

The Yongin Special City team participated in 16 out of 17 events, excluding e-sports, and won 11 gold medals, 16 silver medals, and 23 bronze medals, recording a total score of 33,758.20 points.

Among them, the team participating in table tennis and boccia ranked second overall, and ranked third overall in dance sports and tennis.

Table tennis player Park Hae-seok and badminton player Kim Je-hoon won two gold medals in this tournament, and the soccer team won the championship again this year following last year, achieving two consecutive victories.

Baek Woo-hyun, a weightlifter who won three gold medals in last year’s competition, won the championship again this year. However, it was selected as a demonstration event due to the lack of players in the event and was excluded from the medal tally, but it instilled confidence that it would achieve good results in the next game.

An official from the city said, “The challenge and passion of the disabled athletes led to good results.”

2023-05-02 11:43:52
#Yongin #Special #City #Gyeonggido #Sports #Festival #Disabled #7th #place #fighting #spirit #Jeong #Pil #正筆


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