Vinicius: “In Brazil, Spain is known as a country of racists” | Sports

The racist attacks that Vinicius suffered at Mestalla not only caused the footballer to want to find a way to stop him on the field, nor did he feel powerless for a few minutes to continue playing. At the end, he published a harsh and heartfelt statement on his Instagram account: “The prize that the racists won was my expulsion! It’s not football, it’s LaLiga ”, he wrote in a storythe section of fleeting publications of the social network.

In the permanent part, it was extended more: “It was not the first time, nor the second, nor the third. Racism is normal in the League. The competition believes that it is normal, the Federation also and the rivals encourage it. Very sorry. The championship that belonged to Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Cristiano and Messi, today belongs to racists”. His denunciation reached all corners of the planet. And he received the support of the president of Brazil, Lula da Silva: “We cannot allow fascism and racism to take root in soccer stadiums,” the president concluded at the G-7 meeting in Hiroshima.

The Brazilian has commented on various occasions with his close circle that he is saddened by what he suffers in the Spanish fields, especially because he feels that Spain is his home, the place where he wants to be. Hence the following ideas that he included last night in his statement: “A beautiful nation, which welcomed me and the one I love, but which agreed to export to the world the image of a racist country. I feel sorry for the Spaniards who disagree, but today, in Brazil, Spain is known as a country of racists”.

Vinicius insisted on the feeling of helplessness he feels in the face of the constant racist attacks, which have already led to nine complaints from LaLiga: “Unfortunately, for everything that happens every week, I have no defense. OK. But I am strong and I will go the distance against racists. Even if it’s far from here”, he ends enigmatically, returning to an idea that he has privately handled, whether he needs to leave the League to feel protected.

Less than an hour after the Brazilian’s complaint, the president of LaLiga, Javier Tebas, replied with a tone that seemed scolding: “Since those who should not explain to you what LaLiga is and what it can do in cases of racism , we have tried to explain it to you, but you have not shown up for any of the agreed dates that you yourself requested, ”he wrote on Twitter. “Before criticizing and insulting LaLiga, it is necessary that you inform yourself properly.” But Vinicius was not willing to remain silent. He never is. And he responded to Tebas, also via social networks: “Once again, instead of criticizing racists, the president of LaLiga appears on social networks to attack me. As much as you talk and pretend not to read, the image of your championship shakes. Look at the responses to your posts and be in for a surprise… Omitting it just makes you equal to racists. I’m not your friend to talk about racism. I want actions and punishments. The hashtag doesn’t move me.”

LaLiga requested the images to investigate: “Once the investigation is complete, in the event of detecting a hate crime, LaLiga would proceed to take the appropriate legal actions.”

Real Madrid also showed its institutional anger through various channels, beginning with its coach Carlo Ancelotti, who at the end of the game said to put sports aside: “Do you want to talk about football or do you want to talk about something else?” . “I don’t want to talk about football, but about something else, about what has happened here. I think that’s the most important thing”.

The Italian said that when the Brazilian detected the insults in the background in which Madrid attacked in the second half, he wanted to leave the game, but he insisted that this was not the solution: “I told him: ‘I don’t It seems fair that you have to stop, you are not the culprit, you are the victim,” he said.

Thibaut Courtois was also outraged by what his teammate had suffered: “If Vini said ‘I don’t play anymore’, I would have left the pitch with him. It’s something we can’t tolerate.”

Ancelotti wanted to mark a before and after with his reflections with an episode that accumulates to many others suffered this course by Vinicius: “We have a problem. I don’t have it. For me he is the strongest player in the world. LaLiga has a problem. With this episode of racism, they have to stop the match,” he said. “He is not a person. Here is a stadium that insults a player for racism and the game has to stop. I would say the same if we were winning 3-0. You have to stop the game. There is no other way”, warned the Italian coach.

From the other bench, Rubén Baraja criticized Vinicius’s insults and reaction: “You have to be harsh in condemning something racist, which has been a minority, but the player’s behavior when he has been sent off can also be improved.”

Courtois believes that that moment, in which the Brazilian faced the public and told them that they would go to the Second Division, was also the product of the pressure to which he was subjected and an arbitration decision that questioned: “Hugo Duro Grab Vini by the neck first”, he said about something that the cameras captured, but the VAR did not notify the referee, who was warned of the gesture with which the Brazilian took off the rival striker. “I should have seen the red one,” Courtois complained.

For Lucas Vázquez, who is usually close to Vinicius in his explosions on the field, last night was different: “Vinicius is a different player, top 3 in the world. We should protect him so that he continues for many years in Madrid and in the League. Nobody is helping you. He is young, and he can improve his reactions, but that does not mean that everything can be done to him ”. Support for Vinicius began in the Madrid locker room and continued in his country.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva speaks during a joint press conference with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte (out of frame) at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia on May 9, 2023. Photo: EVARISTO SA / AFP

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2023-05-22 07:41:15
#Vinicius #Brazil #Spain #country #racists #Sports


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