UG flag bearers go to the 2023 National Universiade – PortalGuanajuato.MX

Guanajuato, Gto.- The flag ceremony was held for the athletes of the University of Guanajuato (UG) who will represent the Institution in the national phase of the National Sports Council of Education AC (CONDDE) 2023.

According to the press release, during the event, which took place on the Arturo Larios field, the symbolic delivery of uniforms to UG athletes was carried out, who were accompanied by their respective coaches, and recognition was made to students who participated in the 2022 edition of the Universiade.

The ceremony was headed by the Rector General of the UG, Dr. Luis Felipe Guerrero Agripino, who highlighted the significance of representing his University. “Be proud of what you have achieved,” he told them, while acknowledging the accompaniment of the coaches, family, and all the people who support the student community.

He also highlighted the learning that sports practice entails: discipline, teamwork, concentration and the ability to set goals. This, stressed Dr. Guerrero, “transfers to all areas of life.”

For her part, the Director of Student Development, Lcda. Linda Karina Pérez Padrón, highlighted the effort of the athletes, and especially congratulated those who reached the national stage. Therefore, she urged them to enjoy this experience.

On behalf of his classmates, Federico Daniel Gómez Padilla, a Chemical Engineering student and 2022 Silver Medalist in University Boxing offered a message in which he agreed on the importance of enjoying the sport and not obsessing over getting a medal. What is in our hands -he affirmed- is to work on a better version of ourselves and prepare physically and mentally for the competitions.

Edith Alejandra Ramírez Esqueda, from the Mathematics Degree and member of the Chess Team, as representative of the contingent qualified for the National Phase, celebrated the effort and perseverance of her colleagues to achieve excellence in their disciplines, without neglecting their studies . Thus, she made a call to see sport as an opportunity to grow and learn, without underestimating the impact they can have on other people and their community.

At the same time, Federico Daniel Gómez thanked the institutional support given to university sports.

Representatives of disciplines such as women’s and men’s chess participated in the event; Athletics; Badminton; Men’s Basketball 3X3; Boxing; Judo; Struggle; Karate Do; Weightlifting; softball; and Men’s and Women’s Rugby.

2023-05-24 21:47:10
#flag #bearers #National #Universiade #PortalGuanajuato.MX


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