Pablo Moyano missed the union act for Labor Day POLITICS El Intransigente

The inmate who lives the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) between ‘dialoguistas’ and ‘combatives’ was reflected in two episodes that occurred at the event in the Defensores de Belgrano stadium, in the City of Buenos Aires. On the one hand, the absence of Pablo Moyano (Truckers) and, on the other, a chant war between unions from different factions that interrupted the speech of Hector Daer for more than five minutes.

The co-secretary general of the CGT and a reference for Truckers made a mistake that was noted, although his father Hugo did attend and thus the versions of an intern in the family were fed again, according to NA. Moyano’s eldest son is playing very close to Kirchnerism – he strengthened his relationship with La Cámpora – and last year threatened to abandon his place in the CGT triumvirate.

Meanwhile, his father has been avoiding breaking the bridges with the majority sectors of the plant, embodied in the ‘fat’ and the ‘independents’. “I don’t know,” Daer replied to the press when asked about the reasons for Pablo Moyano’s absence, while other leaders slipped that they saw his absence coming since the leader would have implied it in private messages in the days previous.

Other CGT leaders very close to Kirchnerism were also absent, such as the UOM Secretary General, Abel Furlán, and the Smata deputy, Mario Manrique. Another situation that took place in the stadium in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Núñez was a crossover of songs between union members from different CGT camps, which forced Daer to put his closing speech on hold for minutes.

Knowing the differences between Daer -referring to the ‘fats’- and Pablo Moyano, the members of Camioneros, from the rostrum located in front of the stage, at the other end, began to sing loudly “I am a Moyano soldier” when the leader of Health ventured to delve into his message. Immediately, from one of the side stands taken over by the Uocra, the members of the union led by Gerardo Martínez reacted by partly covering the screams of the Moyano supporters.

Given this, the latter sang a loud “Y vamos Camioneros”, which generated after the members of UPCN raised their voices to be noticed. To all this, Daer followed the ‘battle’ of songs and qualified with: “Yes, we are all present”, while he sought with some impatience to resume the thread of his speech. Asked about this situation after the event, Daer sought to minimize it: “Well, there were songs from everyone, Truckers, Uocra, UPCN…”.


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