Martin Straka and I want to bring Pilsen hockey back to the top, says Jan Šmucler

Before the start of the new extra league season 2023/24, there were changes in the management structure of the hockey club Škoda Plzeň. Martin Straka will be joined by Autocentrum Šmucler in the role of co-owner of the club.

Mr. Smurf, what was the main impetus for entering?
We have known Martin (Straka) for a long time and together we want to return Pilsen hockey to where it was. I personally am a big fan, as a company we have been cooperating with the club since 2017. We see synergy in this both for our company and for Pilsen hockey.

So you put some money into the club?
Yes. (smile)

The fifty-fifty structure means that no one has veto power. So do you believe that you can always agree on everything?
I believe. Martin will take care of the sports part, the rest will be in our diction.

Will you be at the stadium every day?
So far I’m there every day. (laughter)

Are you looking for a new person for the position of sales manager?
We are looking, we may have already found it, but we will announce the name when it is final.

At the press conference, it was said that intensive negotiations had been going on for around four months. Was there, for example, a thorough screening of the club on your part?
Of course, there was, for example, a look at the accounting of recent years, at sponsors, but also the number of season ticket holders – how many people regularly attend hockey in Pilsen. We looked at what we could improve, for example what to interest the fans. Perhaps I can reveal now that we are preparing the possibility to have a ticket only on the phone.

What is your vision for the future?
We want to communicate better with fans, expand cooperation with partners and expand this mutual synergy.

So do you believe that there are other strong entities in the Pilsen region that could strengthen hockey?
We believe so. First of all, we want to focus on, for example, our customers, if they would be interested in joining Pilsen hockey.

Can you tell how the budget could grow for next year?
Probably not. We are still talking about it, but right now I probably can’t quite say the number. But of course we will try our best to play what we want on the ice.

How satisfied are you with your summer training so far?
I think that everything is good. (smile) Martin really does his best in this.

How difficult is everything for you personally at this time?
Of course, it added an awful lot of work, but on the other hand, it also develops a person. It moves us all forward and it’s different than cars. And I am very happy about that.

In addition, you launched a big event last year in Klatovy, where your company has grown. Can everything still be managed?
So far, we are catching up on time. (smile) On the other hand, the more we load, the more efficient we will be. We will not be lazy and will continue to work.

Do you have ambitions to be active, for example, in all of Czech hockey?
No, definitely not. We want to stay in the Pilsen region – to devote ourselves to Pilsen.

Fans will now have lingering expectations. But what are your ambitions for next season? Medals for example?
Of course, it would be nice to be in third place, but we will just do our best and we will certainly give everything to be on the front lines.

Thank you for the interview, good luck!


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