Lakers fan gets a haircut with the face of LeBron James and sweeps the networks | United States | nnda nnrt | USES

Basketball fans are willing to do any kind of crazy thing for their teams, even shaving their hair with the face of their favorite player. That was what happened in USA with a Los Angeles Lakers fan and star LeBron James.

The Los Angeles Lakers, led by LeBron James, star this Tuesday in the Western Conference final of the playoffs against The Denver Nuggets and NBA lovers are looking forward to the match.

One Lakers fan who won’t miss out on the crucial game is Tim, a native of Illinois who took his passion for his love team and LeBron himself to the max by getting a face-inspired haircut. of the basketball player

LeBron James is one of the greatest players in NBA history. (Photo: Agencies).

Hairdresser created cuts inspired by other stars

The fanatic was placed in the hands of Miguel Rosas, a hairdresser who owns the New Style Barbershop, located in Moline, a city located in Rock Island County, in the US state of Illinois.

“(The fan) was willing to make the cut because he knew it would be big. My client Tim was very happy about that.”Rosas said in statements to said Rosas to FOX.

The result of the cut was shared by Rosas on his social networks, although it is not the first time he has done similar work. On previous occasions, this renowned hairdresser created hair portraits of other famous athletes such as Michael Jordan, the UFC champion Jon Jones or the soccer player Pedro Henrique.

Watch the viral video here

Thanks to his works, Rosas won a series of awards and was even invited to the television program Cedric Barber Battle.

2023-05-16 20:38:48
#Lakers #fan #haircut #face #LeBron #James #sweeps #networks #United #States #nnda #nnrt


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