FC Bayern announces top-class tests – including revenge against ManCity

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Created: 05/17/2023, 06:30 am

Von: Antonio Jose Riether


FC Bayern has big plans for this summer. The Munich team will play three friendlies on their tour of Asia – against top-class opponents.

Munich – In the upcoming summer break, Thomas Tuchel has plenty of time to work with his team in peace after his sudden arrival in Munich. FC Bayern will prepare for the coming season both in Upper Bavaria and in Asia, with three friendlies coming up. As has now become known, duels against two big English clubs are imminent.

FC Bayern Munich
Founding:February 27, 1900 in Munich
Members:more than 300,000
President:Herbert Hainer

FC Bayern on a tour of Asia: Revenge planned against Manchester City

After four years, Bayern are doing part of their preparations at home again, so Tuchel and his team will be staying at Tegernsee from July 15th to 20th. The club is “always aware of its roots in Bavaria and Munich”, which is why they are preparing for the season not far from Munich, said CEO Oliver Kahn at the end of April. But the detour to the Bavarian foothills of the Alps is only the beginning of a long journey.

Because already on July 24th the Munich team will be flying to Asia, where there will be several stations and friendly matches before departure on August 3rd. First of all, the Bayern professionals go to Tokyo, where the first of three friendlies will take place on July 26th. The opponent is none other than Manchester City (kick-off at 19.30 local time). The top Premier League club ended FC Bayern’s Champions League trip this year in the quarter-finals.

Thomas Tuchel and Pep Guardiola will meet again at the National Stadium in Tokyo in July. © PA Images/AFLOSPORT/imago

FC Bayern on a trip to Asia: In Singapore it’s against Klopp’s Liverpool

Three days after the duel with ex-FCB coach Pep Guardiola on July 29, a test against a local challenger is on the agenda. At 7 p.m. local time in the Japanese capital, the Bavarians will play against the first division team and four-time champions Kawasaki Frontale. The day after the second test match, Bayern fly on to Singapore.

As brand ambassador Giovane Élber confirmed at a press conference on Tuesday, Bayern will also make a stop in the Asian city-state on this year’s tour. The third game will take place there on August 2nd, as part of the so-called Singapore Trophy, against Liverpool FC with coach Jürgen Klopp in Singapore’s national stadium.

FC Bayern international: First stay in Japan since 2008

The record champion will reside in Singapore from July 30th to August 2nd before returning home on August 3rd. During the last trip to Asia in 2017, Singapore was one of the destinations alongside China, but Bayern have not been on a PR tour in Japan since 2008.

The training camp in the Far East is probably a welcome change for the players and at the same time a stark contrast to last year. The Munich professionals went to the USA, where they made stops in Washington and Green Bay. At the Packers stadium, Lambeau Field, they also drew a comparison with Manchester City, which they lost 1-0. Now Bayern are hoping for revenge, but above all for the quarter-finals in April. (air)

2023-05-17 04:30:00
#Bayern #announces #topclass #tests #including #revenge #ManCity


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