Coppa Italia: Inzaghi, I hope fame as an expert in continuous finals – Football

Coppa Italia: Inzaghi, I hope fame as an expert in continuous finals – Football

(ANSA) – ROME, MAY 23 – “We hope this fame will continue because we have two finals to play”. This is how Simone Inzaghi, Inter coach, responded in the press conference on the eve of the Italian Cup final to those who tell him how Italians defined him as “the finals specialist”. “We’ve been through a lot this year, less happy moments that we remember – he added – I’m happy for the last two months in which we’ve done important things. An Italian cup final that is never taken for granted. In the league, the delay was important, but we were good at recovering and the Champions League final, unexpected by the majority, while we had hope since the day of the draw”. To those who asked him if he feared that the team could pull his leg back because of the Champions League, he replied: “No, because I know the team’s commitment to getting here. We know we’ll find a valuable team, who deserved it.” two finals like us.

It will be an open competition”. (ANSA).

