Bundesliga: Leverkusen – Gladbach 2:2! Horror slide overshadows Borussia comeback | Sports

Bundesliga: Leverkusen – Gladbach 2:2!  Horror slide overshadows Borussia comeback |  Sports

Gladbach fetch against Leverkusen a curious 2-2 draw. Before kick-off, everything talks about Borussia coach Daniel Farke (46)!

Hours before the start of the game, the “Rheinische Post” writes that he has to go again after just one season. BILD had already reported on this on May 16th.

Gladbach boss Roland Virkus does not want to confirm the expulsion, says to BILD: “The rumors do not correspond to the facts.”

Very nasty foul by the Leverkusen star The horror sliding tackle in the video!

But BILD knows: Gladbach will probably part with Farke after a final analysis of the season. Although he had signed a contract until 2025 before the season.

These are the candidates for Farke’s successor

Gladbach’s U23 coach Eugen Polanski should be the favorite to succeed Farke. Gerardo Seoane and Ralph Hasenhüttl are also on the list.

Borussia is playing its worst season since 2011, scoring just 18 points in 18 games this year. Too little for the ambitions of the foals. In Leverkusen Farke relies on a wall tactic with three central defenders, but this change does not bring the victory turnaround either.

Gladbach star Christoph Kramer defended his trainer at DAZN after the final whistle: “Of course we’ll notice everything. It’s also true that we don’t have the quality we used to have. We had many bloodless performances in the 2023 calendar year. We as a team have to question what has happened in the last two and a half years. It just can’t go on like this. Shall we get the next coach? That’s nonsense.”

The worst scene of the game happened a few seconds before the final whistle: Leverkusen’s Hincapie hits Gladbach’s Weigl with the sole. A horror tackle and a justified red card (90th + 4th).

Horror foul a few moments before the final whistle

Photo: DAZN In Leverkusen, Gladbach gets a point thanks to two fat Bayer bucks!

First Leverkusen takes the lead through Adli (15th) and Demirbay (20th). Then the Rhinelanders give themselves two goals.

58 minutes: Bakker plays a pass into the middle of the penalty area to Hradecky. The goalkeeper can’t handle the ball properly and loses it to Gladbach’s Hofmann. He turns and hits the 1:2.

Shortly before the end, Leverkusen makes the next gift!

90 minutes: Amiri wants to play a back pass to Hradecky. But in front of the goalkeeper is Gladbach striker Thuram, who the Leverkusen player plays right into the foot! A mega mistake!

Thuram puts it back on Lars Stindl, who puts the ball in the goal. 2:2! Goalscorer Stindl: “That’s lucky at the moment. But you have to force these things.”

Leverkusen’s Kerem Demirbay: “It feels like a defeat.”

2023-05-21 19:55:54
#Bundesliga #Leverkusen #Gladbach #Horror #slide #overshadows #Borussia #comeback #Sports


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