Baseball 5, the regional finals of the student championships in Chieti

Everything is ready in Chieti for the Abruzzo Regional Finals of the Baseball5 Student Championships, the event organized by USR Abruzzo (coordinated by Prof. Antonello Passacantando), scheduled for tomorrow, Friday 5 May, from 9:30 to 13, at the Pala Santa Filomena , Casa della Handball, in viale Abruzzo in Chieti Scalo (Angelini Stadium area). Baseball5 is a “street” version of the classic baseball game. It is a fast, young and dynamic discipline that follows the same basic concepts of baseball and softball, but which can be played anywhere and involves the use of a simple rubber ball. The event, organized by the FIBS Italian Baseball Softball Federation, will see 4 schools compete for the title of regional champion: the first classified will in fact represent Abruzzo at the next national finals in Roseto (TE), scheduled from 22 to 25 May. The schools that will collapse tomorrow in Chieti are: Istituto Comprensivo 1 Chieti, Istituto comprensivo “G. Galilei” San Giovanni Teatino (secondary 1st grade), Liceo Scientifico “G. Galilei” Pescara, Scientific High School “L. Da Vinci” Pescara (2nd grade secondary school).

«The city of Chieti is ready to welcome the regional championships with the best city structures made available for the event – comments Katia Di Primio, Fibs regional delegate -. Due to the uncertain weather conditions until the end, we decided to host the event inside the Pala Santa Filomena, one of the flagships of our city. I would like to underline the great collaborative work between our Federation and the Chieti School Office, in particular Professor M. Roberta Borrone, who has always been sensitive to these initiatives, who has coordinated athletes, teachers and insiders to create a welcoming and of great harmony”.

2023-05-04 13:56:05
#Baseball #regional #finals #student #championships #Chieti


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