A 19-year-old man killed during a punitive expedition. Four individuals lynched him with baseball bats

A 19-year-old man was violently attacked and killed last night around 8 p.m. in the western district of Val de Croze, in Montpellier.

According to the first elements of the investigation, the victim was targeted during a punitive expedition, suggesting a settling of scores. The perpetrators of the attack are currently on the run, while the authorities are carrying out an in-depth investigation to elucidate the circumstances of the tragedy. ,

The emergency services, including firefighters and the Samu, were quickly dispatched to the scene, accompanied by national and municipal police officers. The tragedy took place in Place de Chine, not far from Ovalie. As related Actu.frwitnesses reported hearing a gunshot and seeing four individuals attacking the victim.

Despite the emergency medical intervention, the serious injuries inflicted on the victim by baseball bats unfortunately led to his death upon his arrival at the University Hospital Center (CHU). Technical and scientific police investigators made findings on a car parked near the crime scene.

The Montpellier judicial police are working closely with the Hérault departmental security to advance the investigations. One of the avenues explored by the investigators concerns a possible settling of accounts.

Tapes from CCTV cameras installed in Place de Chine and its surroundings will be carefully examined to help identify the perpetrators and understand the reasons that led to this surge of violence.

An autopsy has been ordered and should be performed today at the Forensic Medicine Department of Lapeyronie Hospital. The results of the autopsy will make it possible to precisely determine the causes of death and could bring new leads to the ongoing investigation.

2023-05-17 18:48:21
#19yearold #man #killed #punitive #expedition #individuals #lynched #baseball #bats


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