Werder Bremen: New trouble about ex-keeper – stadium ban for Tim Wiese! | Sports

New trouble about Tim Wiese (41)!

Bremen have given the ex-keeper a stadium ban. In addition, he should no longer be allowed to play for the traditional team. This was first reported by “Radio Bremen”. When asked by BILD, the club confirmed that a corresponding letter had been sent to Wiese. Werder did not want to give any further details.

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That comes as a surprise!

Then: In BILD, the ex-Werder goalkeeper had clearly distanced himself from allegations that he was too close to the right-wing scene. These allegations and insidious photos led to Werder having declared Wiese an undesirable person.

After Wiese had clearly positioned himself publicly, Werder even opened the door a bit again. Managing Director Frank Baumann said: “We took good note of Tim Wiese’s interview. It is now up to him to follow up these words with deeds. If he does that, then nothing would stand in the way of us returning to the traditional team for the next games in the summer.”

So now everything is different. It is said that Wiese wants to take action with a lawyer against the stadium ban.

The ex-national goalkeeper could not be reached on request. According to BILD information, Dieter Burdenski (head of the Traditional Self) will accept Werder’s decision.


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