The eighth badminton league awaits this Saturday at IES La Orden in La Rinconada (5:00 p.m.)

IES Badminton La Orden came first in the League final against Rinconada-Sevilla. / Photo: @BadmintonESP.

S. D. “It’s nice to see that nobody leaves us for deadwell we are not”, words of Antonio Molina, coach of Rinconada-Sevilla“The key to victory will be in the performance of our athletes”he said it Paco Ojeda, technical manager of IES Badminton La Orden. The two leading teams in the final of the TOP 10 Iberdrola League That this Saturday (Fernando Martín Pavilion, 17:00) dispute the clash of vueltaafter that of ida held in Huelva and which resulted in Huelva win 5-2.

The eighth League awaits IES La Orden. He took the first step last week with that score that gives him favoritism. But no one in the Huelva team has sold the bear skin… first they want to hunt him down. And they know that the company will be difficult.

Ojeda ha psyched to the whole team of the difficulties that this clash entails. your sentence “We are aware that perhaps it will be the toughest final in which we have faced Rinconada” sums it all up, and at the same time it is a warning to your loved ones so that they do not trust themselves, because in front will be a team which, as also pointed out Molina “is going to leave the skin from minute one.”

Despite 5-2 in the first leg, a lot of equality on the track in which small details they decided. In Huelva they fell on the side of IES La Orden, as the fact that Bea Corrales, one of the strongholds of the Rinconada, was depleted and its contest will be limited to the women’s doubles match. on this occasion one of the singles is also expected to playwhich was a private preserve for those from Huelva in the first leg with a full four victories.

First mixed doubles can mark the development of the match and, therefore, of the tie. In Huelva, IES La Orden won, and if history repeats itself, the final would begin to be on track. Gain one point in doubles I would be vital for the people of Huelva, that they would caress the title with the ‘safe’ point of Pablo Abián.

2023-04-22 09:10:44
#eighth #badminton #league #awaits #Saturday #IES #Orden #Rinconada #p.m


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