Red and white company, the leaders Virtus falls in Valmaura

And enterprise it is! Trieste takes out the leaders and earns a piece of salvation even if the direct rivals have gone to points. More importantly then the80-78 with which the red and whites took out Bologna after a final of those forbidden to the faint of heart. An amazing success because it came after a match in which the hosts gave everything, clearly suffering in the second quarter, even slipping under 12 but rebuking Virtus with a collective effort and the big Americans who made the difference. Spectacular Terry, which closed with 19 points e 14 rebounds, excellent performance also for Spencer especially in the second half and this on an evening in which Davis (especially) and top scorer Bartley appeared more tarnished than usual. A victory that sent the quasi into ecstasy 5 mila dell’Allianz Dome.

Legovich chooses Deangeli in quintet with Lever, Bartley, Davis and Terry. It opens the latter replicated by Mannion, Trieste has points from the two Italians but on 7-4 Giuliano sprints Bologna with a 7-0 run that immediately takes it ahead. The hosts hold up well in defense but the powder is very wet and directing remains a puzzle, with Davis still imprecise and Ruzzier forgotten on the bench in the first 8 minutes. A triple from Belinelli sends the guests up 10 but two three-pointers from Campogrande close the quarter down by only 4 (16-20). Mannion at the start of the second half brings him to +8, Legovich makes Bartley catch his breath, Spencer gives some oxygen under the basket but Belinelli is the one of the best days and Trieste sinks to -12 with the defensive jerseys widening and much, too much confusion in attack. Spencer, well served by Ruzzier, and Terry mend up to -7 (28-35 in the 15th minute) with the Trieste point guard the true protagonist of the mini-comeback with several assists. Terry again for 40-43 with 1′ to go, the newcomer Stumbris places the bomb 45-45 27 seconds from the end which sanctions the result of the interval.

Campogrande opens the second half with a triple, Terry frees up 49-45 but Shengelia is in the evening and Virtus goes back up by 3 (50-53) before the 10-0 run that sends Trieste back into orbit with a super Terry ( 60-53 at 28′!). Scariolo calls time out, his players get back in touch but Ruzzier on entering sends via Flavia into raptures for the 64-59 that closes the third fraction. The fourth opens with the black and white 5-0 for the 64 pari (Ojeleye triple) and the break of 7-1 for the guests with the landlords without the two big Americans. Legovich runs for cover, Spencer and Terry return to the field and the music changes again, with Bartley impacting 69-69 and 71-71 (35′) and the referees giving away a few too many trips to the line in Bologna. Spencer makes it 73-73 with 3′ to go, Davis impacts on 75-75, Terry gives the +2, the umpteenth free throws for the guests make 77 all. Davis by two, Bartley in the line he scores only one: 80-78, but first Lundberg and then Belinelli the last two assaults are missing. The Allianz Dome is partying.



(16-20, 45-45, 64-59)

PALL. TRIESTE: Bossi ne, Davis 4 (2/5, 0/3), Spencer 14 (7/9), Deangeli 2 (0/1), Ruzzier 9 (2/4, 0/2), Campogrande 9 (3/6 from three), Vildera 3 /1/1), Stumbris 3 (0/1, 1/3), Bartley 14 (2/7, 3/6), Lever 3 (0/2, 1/3), Terry 19 (4/7, 1/1). All. Legovich

THE POWER OF BOLOGNA: Mannion 17 (4/6, 1/4), Venturi ne, Belinelli 11 (1/2, 3/11), Bako 2 (0/1), Lundberg 10 (2/6, 1/5), Cappellotto ne , Shengelia 18 (5/7, 0/1), Menalone, Mickey 2 (1/2, 0/1), Camara 2 (0/1), Weems 10 (4/4, 0/1), Ojeleye 6 (0/2, 2/3). All. Scariolo


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