Mourinho: ‘Cassano? At Real Madrid they only remember him for the jacket’

After the Turin-Rome match, Special One responded to Antonio Cassano, who had harshly criticized him: “He played with Real, Roma and Inter. In Madrid they remember him for his jacket, in Rome he won a Super Cup without playing and not even the Coppa di Lombardia for Inter. He enjoys himself, here we work for real.” Then he mentions an episode from eleven years ago: “Be careful Antonio, then the Marko Livajas arrive and you’ll have less fun”. Here’s what Mourinho’s words mean

Jose Mourinho responds to Anthony Cassano. The reply to the former footballer, who had it criticized for the game of his teams, he arrives in full Special One style, after the victory of his Roma on the Turin field. And also tick a particular reference to Marko Livaja: “Everyone is free to have their preferences and to make criticisms. But when it comes to others, like Antonio, they are different: he enjoys himself, the others work seriously. Cassano played for Roma, Inter and Real: in Madrid he is remembered for his jacket, with Roma he won a Super Cup without playing, with Inter he didn’t even win the Lombardy cup. You know what I won with Inter, Real Madrid and Roma. He will have a problem with me, I will not with him. I tell him only one thing: be careful Antonio, you’re 40 and I’m 60, sometimes the Marko Livajas come and then it’s hard…“.

Who is Livaja and why the reference to him

Croatian striker born in 1993Marko Livaja is currently the protagonist in his homeland with Hajduk Split and participated in the last World Cup with his national team, as well as having also played in Serie A with Cesena, Empoli and Atalanta and having gathered various experiences around Europe. Spearhead of the Inter Primavera led by Andrea Stramaccioni with whom he won at 18 years the Next Generations Series, in 2012/13 he moved steadily to the first team. In that season also Antonio Cassanoolder than him by eleven years, he was part of the Nerazzurri squad. With his words Mourinho probably refers to something that happened in training between the Croatian and the Italian at the time of Appiano Gentile.

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Cassano’s words on Mourinho

But what had Cassano said about the Special One? He had criticized him for his game and for that of Roma, making a comparison with Maurizio Sarri: “The Lazio coach loves football and his job – had ruled Cassano (Bobo TV) -, while Mourinho doesn’t give a damn ***or football. He wins, he changes and he’s smart. Someone wears him as if he were who knows who, but Sarri plays wonderful football, while his is zero. Then there are those who go to see the palmares, but we don’t get fooled: one knows how to work, talk and communicate about football, Mourinho is just cinema. I have no idea how Roma play and how Mourinho plays and I don’t know how certain results arrive. He was a great coach and communicator, today for me he is a coach who is equal if he coaches Real Madrid or San Martinese. If Ancelotti goes to coach Brazil, he could go to Real Madrid, but this is because he has won and because of the status he has, because otherwise he can go to San Martinese. If Real Madrid are interested in talking about football, they don’t call them, while if San Martinese wants to play football in a hurry, they can call them.”

Sarri and Mourinho, the other question and answer from a distance

In this interweaving of words, Mourinho had instead referred to Maurice Sarri on the eve of the last derby, after the elimination of the biancocelesti from Conference League against l’AZ Alkmaar. Lo Special One he had asked ironically if Immobile and his companions would be engaged in a new European competition. “Mourinho is a show animal – Sarri had in turn replied with a smile on the occasion of the Gran Galà dello sport in Castiglion Fiorentino where he received the award dedicated to Corrado Viciani -. I was lucky enough to know him personally he is a person with extraordinary sympathy. He then does his job well and he’s number one to pull you into certain stories, but I don’t want to get into it“.


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