Judo: Grand Slam, Manuel Lombardo triumphs in Antalya in the 73 kg


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Antalya, 1st Apr. – First podium for Italy in judo in Antalya (Türkiye). In fact, the second day of the fifth Grand Slam of the season saw the triumph of Manuel Lombardo in the men’s -73 kg category. The blue immediately showed an excellent level going to win Pool B by virtue of the successes on the Kuwaiti Naser Almutairi, on the Austrian Samuel Gassner, on the American Jack Yonezuka and on the Spanish Salvador Cases Roca. In the semifinal, then, he got the better of the Azerbaijani Hidayat Heydarov.

The Turinese, having reached the last act, placed the exclamation point against the Mongolian Tsogtbaatar Tsend-Ochir, who had to settle for the second step of the podium. A very significant test of strength for the Italian in the last appointment on the top circuit before the World Championships in Doha (Qatar), starting in the first half of May. Finally, the Ukrainian Vladyslav Kazimirov and the aforementioned Heydarov finished third, who in the less noble finals prevailed respectively over the German Igor Wandtke and his compatriot Nurlan Osmanov.

In the same category Giovanni Esposito overtook the Gambian Faye Njie with ippon di o uchi gari, but in the following round, with the Azerbaijani Nurlan Osmanov, after two penalties against both, the blue was penalized for the third time, closing every chance to move forward. In the 81 kg Tiziano Falcone was stopped in the first round by a juji gatame by the Slovenian Jus Mecilosek, while Antonio Esposito overcame the tough Ukrainian Hievorh Manukian, penalized three times and was subsequently defeated by the Azerbaijani Zelim Tckaev, who managed to prevail thanks to a wazari of uchi mata.COPYRIGHT LASICILIA.IT © REPRODUCTION RESERVED

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