JR Smith shares how LeBron and the Cavs changed his mindset

JR Smith was the guest of JJ Redick on his show The Old Man and the Three this week and the two men. The exchange between the two young retirees is extremely interesting, especially given Smith’s particular career in the NBA. Even though he had won a title of 6th man of the year and accomplished several good seasons with Denver and New York, “JR” finally understood the requirements and the workings of the trade only late in his career, when landed in Cleveland.

“In Cleveland, it was the first time in my life that I saw an entire team working together in the weight room or in training, even on individual sessions. LeBron was mainly responsible for that. His work ethic and his motivation doesn’t make sense. Whether you’re the 15th man on the team or the No. 2, he trains with you, takes shots with you, chats with you, and communicates. He asks you how you’re doing, what is your view on something…

When I found myself surrounded by this state of mind, I realized that this is what was expected of us. We were expected to win. People must have found that my style of play was different between New York and Cleveland. It’s because I also realized that the team didn’t need me to win. She didn’t need my attack: Kyrie could score 30 or 40 points whenever he wanted. LeBron could achieve whatever he wanted. Kevin (Love) was able to put down 20 points and 20 rebounds. All I had to do was defend and shoot. Easy !”

In this interview, JR Smith talks about the mistakes he made and the complicated context in which he evolved when he arrived in the NBA at 18, in teams where he was not necessarily encouraged to gain maturity and professionalism. His conversion, between studies and golf, is also interesting when we remember the player and the character he was.

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