Diego García will not continue as coach of the Bembibre Basketball Club

The Asturian Diego García will not continue as coach of Embutidos Pajariel Bembibre in the 2023/2024 season. Despite the fact that the club chaired by Amparo Villadangos tried to continue due to its good results this season in the Endesa Women’s League, the Piedras Blancas coach has preferred to undertake new challenges and look for new challenges in basketball after three seasons in the whole of the capital of Bierzo Alto.

The Asturian trainer arrived at Embutidos Pajariel Bembibre from Cortegada, in Women’s League 2, at the beginning of the 2020/2021 season to cover the departure of Álex Gutiérrez as Pepe Vázquez’s assistant. After the coach’s departure from Santiago de Compostela, after the 17th day of this season, García took over as head coach of the Berciano team and certified with solvency the permanence of the Bercian formation in the highest category of Spanish women’s basketball.

In his first campaign as Pepe Vázquez’s assistant, a stage in which he also took on physical preparation, he was already “forced” to assume the position of first coach after the now manager of Perfumerías Avenida was expelled in the duel played in the Bembibre Arena against Kutxabank Araski, precisely the rival against whom García directed his last game and in which the team from Berciano won 74-54. It was not like that in that “debut”, in which the Basques won (52-54) despite the option of equalizing at the end.

In this sense, García was the first coach to leave the Berciano team with a victory in their last match in the Endesa Women’s League. Likewise, he was the first of the four coaches he has had since the promotion in 2012 who made his debut with victory, on matchday 18 of this campaign, by winning (60-62) on the Cadí La Seu court thanks to an extraordinary comeback . He also leaves with a great balance of 6 victories in 13 games that have allowed the Bembibrense team to climb to 9th place.

For all this, from Embutidos Pajariel Bembibre we can only be proud of having been able to share this time with him and we thank him for these almost three years in which the club has managed to remain in the Women’s Women’s League in three seasons, one of them, in addition, with him as head coach. Likewise, we wish him the best of luck in his personal and professional future. He deserves it for his behavior with the people of Bierzo, because he is now, as he said in his last press conference, “just another Bembibrense.”

I write these words to say goodbye to what has been and I consider my home. It has been three years in Bembibre, but for me it has been like double or triple. I will always be grateful for how you have received and treated me during these seasons.

When I arrived, it seemed incredible to me that a humble team like Bembibre will have been among the elite for so many years and I was hallucinated with the pavilion in which they played. Now I understand why this is the case and that is why I am so fond of that pitch that I consider to be my own.

As you will understand after these words, it has not been easy to say goodbye, nor is writing this easy. I’ve thought a lot about what to do these past few weeks. However, for me the most important thing was to finish this incredible season well, enjoying myself with the team and the fans.

There are many reasons why I will no longer be the coach of Embutidos Pajariel Bembibre, but in short, I think that the best thing for the club and for me is that we part ways, even if this also hurts.

It has been three years in which I have put all my effort, knowledge and passion so that the team and Bembibre continue playing in the highest category of Spanish women’s basketball. Many people sense it, but not everyone knows all the work and dedication that goes into it, both on the part of the club, people who help selflessly and, of course, the players and staff. All this has a lot of merit and it is fair that it is recognized as it should by the people and the sponsors.

Having said this, I can only thank the people who make it possible and with whom I cannot be more than grateful.

To Pepe, for giving me the opportunity to help him and later for trusting me to be the team’s coach. In short, for making me grow as a professional and as a person. Therefore, I consider him, as you know, a brother.

To Norberto, for always helping and supporting us, leaving everything for the team. We will continue, for sure, in contact, sharing the love for Bembibre and basketball

To Álex, for accepting and risking helping me with the team. I think that I take with me a great friend and coach and that, over time, we will remember this experience with great joy.

To Raúl, Iván and the rest of the people who worked and helped us to make this team work.

To Leoncio and Amparo, for your love and understanding. Also for having trusted and bet on me when it was not easy at all.

To Mairena and Toño, for taking care of me and treating me as if I were part of your family.

To the board of directors, for their support during these years and the last few months.

Of course, to all the players that I have had the pleasure of training during these three years. In particular, to those of this last season for having made it easier for me to become the first coach. It was clear to me that with you we could achieve the goal and thanks to your work we did.

Nor do I want to forget those people who have welcomed me as one of the others in this corner of El Bierzo and who have accompanied me outside the pavilion, always appreciating the work we did.

Finally, thanks to our fans. The best thing that has been achieved in these years has been the communion created between you and the team, key for us to be able to win so many games at home. You don’t know how exciting it is to live that from the bench, how gratifying that “new” ritual is, shaking hands at the end of the games or how amazing it has been for me to put an Asturias flag in the place where it is most popular. encourage. I can never thank you enough.

I hope I have conveyed everything I wanted to in this letter. I lack people to name, but I don’t forget them.

My best wishes to all to continue with this “miracle” for a long time. I will try to visit you whenever I can and I will be cheering from wherever. As I already said: I consider myself one more from Bembibrense.

Thank you very much and long live Bembibre!!

Communication Department CB Bembibre

2023-04-21 22:51:14
#Diego #García #continue #coach #Bembibre #Basketball #Club


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