Despite the rain, the sports caravan was full

More than twenty Lot-et-Garonne sports clubs and several hundred visitors took part, on Wednesday April 12, in the sports caravan, set up for the day in Estillac. An event “to bring…

More than twenty Lot-et-Garonne sports clubs and several hundred visitors took part, on Wednesday April 12, in the sports caravan, set up for the day in Estillac. An event “to bring sport to rural areas”, explained the organizers. Launched in the summer of 2022 by the Department and the Departmental Olympic and Sports Committee, the Departmental Sports Caravan operation has enabled a wide audience – from families to tourists – to discover and learn about multiple sports. .

The sports hall and the ball games

Sylviane Goudenhooft

All free, the activities were supervised by the sports associations of the department. For his 2e edition, this stage, the first of four, aimed to promote sport accessible to all, especially in rural areas. Despite the rain, the participants did not shun the sports day. The heart of the city was transformed into a sports center where many banners fluttered in the wind. Ball games, climbing towers, mountain biking, orienteering, were carried out outside, when the party rooms and sports halls were taken over by ping-pong, judo and dance.

The leisure centers, like that of Laplume, arrived by bus, appreciated this sporting immersion punctuated by a picnic. The festival committee has cut its teeth for its first catering mission. A success for this random meal without reservation: in the end, nearly 200 people were entertained by the Estillac volunteers.

The festival committee, brand new, provided catering.

The festival committee, brand new, provided catering.

Sylviane Goudenhooft

Recall that on January 13, 2020, Sophie Borderie, President of the Departmental Council signed with Tony Estanguet, President of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games Organizing Committee, the agreement awarding Lot-et-Garonne the “Terre de Jeux 2024” label.

The participants were delighted.

The participants were delighted.

Sylviane Goudenhooft

The sports caravan is meeting for its next stages, July 11 in Barbaste, August 23 in Beaupuy and October 25 in Castelmoron-sur-Lot.


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