Christophe Galtier: “Estoy in shock”

It wasn’t just another press conference. Proof of this was that Christophe Galtier was accompanied by Julien Maynard, one of PSG’s communication managers: “The club believes that the threats our coach has received are unacceptable and will take any legal action it deems appropriate. The fight against racism and discrimination is fundamental for PSG,” Maynard said from Camp des Loges.

Later, Christophe Galtier read a statement: “I am shocked by what has been irresponsibly published. They have hurt me and I have been saddened by all this. I grew up in Marseille, with people of different races, origins and religions. Always with respect for others. I can’t accept being attacked like that. I have confidence in the judicial system in France after my reputation was stained,” said the PSG coach.

Having clarified this issue, Christophe Galtier added that he was not going to make any further statements on the matter so as not to monopolize a press conference prior to this Saturday’s match against Lens in which the champion could almost doom the league: “I have taken refuge in my people in this difficult week. The work sessions have helped me to forget about all this at times ”, he has contributed in his speech, before the questions from the journalists.

Noise conditioned preparation: “I have prepared the match in conditions along with the rest of my team. It’s a great match and I’ve seen my players focused. We can take an important step to win the league. Not definitive, but to take into account.

The dressing room, oblivious to the situation: “I have not spoken with the staff on this issue. The best way to be focused in each training session was to put everything else aside.

Support from other colleagues: “I have received many messages from close people, from coaches, players and leaders. These are difficult moments and I appreciate those samples and gestures. I have also received support from anonymous people.”

Train PSG: “I understand that the position generates a lot of pressure, comments and analysis from outside, especially what is foreign to the game. I have to live with that reality.”

The atmosphere in the Parc des Princes: “I have read the statement made by Collectif Ultras Paris. The important thing is tomorrow’s game. I have no doubt that they will accompany the team”.

Lens, six points behind: “It is a team in great shape, they have worked well this season and Franck Haise has left his mark. Lens can be the protagonist, recover the ball quickly and go on the counterattack as happened in the game of the first round”.

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