ACS will build a section of train tracks in the Philippines |

ACS has been awarded a contract in the Philippines valued at 283 million Australian dollars (170 million euros) to build a 6.1 kilometer section of a train line that will link Manila with Calamba.

The works will be carried out by a subsidiary of Bugfilial australiana de ACS, Leighton Asia, en ‘joint venture’ con First Balfourfor the Ministry of Transportation of the Philippines, a department that with this project seeks to reduce traffic congestion in this corridor located to the south of the island of Luzon.

The company will carry out the civil engineering, tunnels and construction of these 6.1 kilometers of tracks, of which 4.7 kilometers will run underground, as well as the construction of the FTI station and the rest of the tunnel works to connect the line with the Senado station of the Metro Manila subway project.

“The project is part of the Government’s largest strategic transportation network to boost economic and urban growth between the Metro Manila area and South Luzon, which will translate into benefits for the population for decades to come,” has pointed out the president of Cimic and CEO of ACS, Juan Santamaría.

The contract awarded to Cimic is part of a project comprising a total of 56 kilometers financed by the Asian Development Bank. The tracks will run through the current national rail network of the Philippines and will have 19 stations. Construction is anticipated to begin in the third quarter of 2023 with completion in 2029.

Leighton Asia has been present in the Philippines for 26 years and its Asia portfolio includes the West Kowloon Terminal in Hong Kong, the world’s largest underground station.

2023-04-27 12:12:48
#ACS #build #section #train #tracks #Philippines


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