Won judo gold four times in Zerbst

The judokas from Budokan Brandenburg traveled to Zerbst for the 1st Newcomer Cup. 200 young athletes from 12 clubs met there to measure their strength. In contrast to the last competition, the results could be improved enormously through intensive training. In the under-9s age group, Lilith Ksienzyk, Liam Kaffka and Max Fenske won the gold medals in their respective weight classes.

Ian Ksienzyk was happy about a silver medal, who was only at a disadvantage in the final against his training buddy Liam. After a strong performance, Jonathan Marrack was also able to receive the gold medal in the U11 age group. In their first competition, the siblings Oskar and Charlotta Hoppe each took 5th place in their weight classes and thus contributed to the pleasing result. D


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