Trekking from Bologna: 4 walking itineraries not to be missed between Emilia and Romagna

There are several trekking very suggestive to do starting from Bologna, surprising walking itineraries that lead you to walk in Emilia Romagna through hills, ravines, woods and villages.
We’re not just talking about street of the gods, now almost inflated and often crowded, but also of other walking routes that start from the capital and take you to a sweet area rich in nature and culture, as well as tasty food. Sometimes they take you to areas where time seems to stand still, e where the phone doesn’t pick up (but don’t worry, nothing is unsafe): if you are looking for true relaxation and memorable experiences without going to the end of the world, this area of ​​Italy between Emilia and Romagna is perfect, waiting to be discovered.
There are paths still little known such as the Mater Dei, the Via della Lana and della Seta, and the brand new and intriguing Via dei Gessi and Calanchi.

Trekking from Bologna: 4 walking itineraries not to be missed between Emilia and Romagna

Bologna is becoming a absolute point of reference for walking throughout Italy.
A reality like ExtraBoin the city center (in Piazza del Nettuno) is the first in our country: a information center dedicated to outdoor activities that you can do in the area, walking and cycling tours, with everything you need to embark on an itinerary in the region.
And they leave right from the central square of Bologna 4 walks which we can consider among the most beautiful in Emilia Romagna.
1. Via dei Gessi and Calanchi
2. Via degli Dei
3. Via Mater Dei
4. Wool and Silk Road

1. Via dei Gessi e dei Calanchi, 102 km from Bologna to Faenza, in 7 stages

And new pathinaugurated in April 2021, conceived and organized by two environmental guides who traced the route from Bologna to Faenza, passing through Brisighella. It’s 102km to go in 7 stages (or two stages by bike) inside two regional parks, where i chalk paths light up with the sun, a unique phenomenon. A light walk that can be done in a week, even if you are not an inveterate trekker even with children (ages 8 and up). A varied and surprising experience.From the city he forwards us on the first hills walking on evocative ‘calanchi della luna’, the clay formations that they make you feel right on the moon.
Then you advance among picturesque villages such as Dozza (papered with murals and with a fantasy soul), Riolo Terme, Borgo Rivola, Borgo Tossignano. And finally the most exciting stages, with the panoramic ascent to Monte Mauro (515 m), the descent to Brisighella (one of the most beautiful villages in Italy) lI grease the chalk veinthe steep gullies leading to fields of artichokes, the hills carpeted with vineyards of Albana and the landing a Faiencein the main square.
We have covered it and we tell it in this article: The Via dei Gessi and the Calanchi on foot on the path from Bologna to Brisighella and Faenza.

2. Via degli Dei, 120 km from Bologna to Florence, in 5 stages

The Street of the Godsor Path of the Gods, is the path of paths that connects Bologna and Florence. Is long 120 km circa and it has been traveled since the times of the Etruscans who crossed it the Tuscan-Romagnolo Apennines.
Romans and medieval wayfarers had chosen it as a communication and pilgrimage route. Now it is one of the most loved and popular Italian paths (sometimes even too much), because it is really very suggestive: there is the charm of history, that of wild nature, that of mysticism and mystery. And of course i villages Apennines rich in cultural traditions e culinary.trekking-bologna-via-dei-dei

From Bologna proceed towards St. Luke, then it runs alongside the Rhine up to Sasso Marconi. Then the first sections of the Roman Flaminia Militare road cross and the real climb starts, among beech and chestnut groves, towards the Passo della Futa pass, on the border with Tuscany. Having bypassed the pass, one advances towards versor San Piero to Sieve and finally in Florence.
They want us 4-6 days.
The stages are moderately demanding, with continuous ups and downs and a moderate overall difference in height. It should therefore not be underestimated but it is a tourist-type path, which it does not require particular technical skills and ideally accessible to anyone with a minimum of preparation and walking habit.
Who he official site of the Via degli Dei.

3. Via Mater Dei, 135 km from Bologna to Ripoli in 6 stages

The road that unites some of the most beautiful Marian shrines dell’Emilia is a real pilgrimage from Bologna to Riola. It crosses 8 municipalities and many areas of interest historic, naturalistic e religious between ridges and valleys.
The visual and emotional impact for the traveler is remarkable, with an itinerary punctuated by places of worship.itineraries-bologna-via mater-deiIt starts from the Sanctuary of S. Maria della Vita in Bologna up to that of the Blessed Virgin of Montovolo and the church of Santa Maria Assunta di Riola.
The stages range from 20 to 26 km, with altitude differences of more than a thousand meters in stages 3,4,5, and 6.
The stop of the is not to be missed Ant Mountainin Pianoro, not so much for the migration of the winged ants that pass through here every September, but for the sense of spirituality that hovers in the valley.
To do the Via Mater Dei must be Enough train to complete the entire journey

4. Via della Lana e della Seta, 130 km from Bologna to Prato in 6 stages

The ancient Via della Lana e della Seta is the one that the traders of these materials used to travel from Bologna to Prato. Now it is a nice walk which crosses 2 regions along the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, between wild nature and traditions.
It can be traveled on foot or by bike in an area rich in suggestions and hospitality
It is a path considered medium-difficult, with stages of 23 km of average length and elevation gain of 5430 metres.trekking-bologna-itineraries-via-wool-and-silkthe first stage leads from the center of Bologna to Sasso Marconi, passing the first one Bologna hill and touching the Parco della Chiusa, Palazzo de’ Rossi, Ponte Albano, admiring the first Bolognese hill.
The second arrives at Grizzana Morandi entering the Historical Park of Monte Sole, crossing the places of memorythe peaks of Santa Barbara and Salvaro.
Continue along the ridge between theand valleys of the Reno and the Setta, where ancient and modern alternate in one of the most sensational landscapes, up to Castiglione dei Pepoli.
Then continue up to Vernio, along the regional border in the center of the Val di Bisenzio textile production still alive.
Stage no. 5 arrives in Vaiano, one of the most iconic stretches of the crossing: you pass through the Calvana massif, home to wild horses.
Finally we arrive in Prato, between vineyards and ancient houses.
[bolognawelcome, viadellalanaedellaseta/Instagram, FlickrCC Enrico Strocchi, Sara Zanni]



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