Opening of the state training center for baseball and softball

Opening of the state training center for baseball and softball

The new jewel in what is probably the most beautiful baseball stadium in Europe was completely finished in time for the start of the new baseball season.
The state training center for baseball and softball in Regensburg had its first assignment at the World Baseball Classic Qualifier last autumn. Since then, a lot has happened in the extension building, and the equipment that is particularly necessary for competitive youngsters is now fully operational.
The extension was built in record time. This was possible because everyone from the architects to the specialist planners, sponsors and approval authorities to the executing companies gave their best and pulled together. The project was realized in just 15 months of planning and construction, while adhering to the construction budget of EUR 5.6 million.
The expansion of the State Training Center was funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior, for Sport and Integration and the City of Regensburg.

The official opening took place on Friday, March 17th, at which numerous representatives from sports, politics, participating companies, Mayor Dr. Astrid Freudenstein, District President Walter Jonas and Jochen Bender (President of the Bavarian Softball and Baseball Association), as well as Markus Guggenberger (Managing Director of the construction company of the same name and name sponsor of the legionnaires).
The opening program included a guided tour through the new training facilities, the training center, which has been expanded to include a regeneration room, and the sports boarding school.
have your participation in the opening.
In addition to Armin Zimmermann, CEO of Legionäre AG, representatives of the Supervisory Board and the Baseball Academy were also available to talk to on the part of the Guggenberger Legionnaires.

Reference to important dates of the Guggenberger Legionnaires:
On Friday, March 31st, at 6 p.m., the Bundesliga team will be presented with all the newcomers and the entire coaching team from Martin Helmig.
On Sunday, April 9th, at 7 p.m., the Guggenberger Legionnaires will start the new season with a home game.
On March 18th and 19th the first preparatory games took place in the Armin-Wolf-Arena.

Image: Coach Martin Brunner explains the High Track System, with which players and shots are analyzed in detail, in the new State Performance Center.


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