NBA: Kleber Secures Mavs Victory at LA Lakers Sports News on Hockey, Snow Sports and more

Maxi Kleber was injured for more than two months and is still looking for his form. All of that doesn’t matter against the Los Angeles Lakers: his throw triggers huge cheers at the Dallas Mavericks.


03/18/2023 | Status: 08:20 a.m

In the 111:110 victory of the Mavericks, the Würzburg man scored when the clock was running out and made the victory perfect. Previously, he had already reduced the gap from four points to one with seven seconds to go with three converted free throws. “When it went through the net, I was super hyper,” said the 31-year-old of the German Press Agency. “Then I saw everyone running towards me and got into a bit of a defensive position. And then everyone was on top of me, like a mountain of meat, or as they say in German. That was definitely a special moment.”

Kleber scored a total of ten points. National team captain Dennis Schröder scored 15 points for the Lakers and made a strong game, but was unable to prevent the defeat that could have serious consequences in the end.

The Mavericks drew level with the Golden State Warriors in the fight for a direct ticket to the playoffs. They had previously lost to the Atlanta Hawks 119:127 – 31 points from Steph Curry were not enough for the defending champion.

Because the Minnesota Timberwolves also lost 131-139 to the Chicago Bulls after two overtimes, the situation for the Lakers before the game was ideal for a big step towards sixth place in the Western Conference. Due to their own defeat, the team slipped behind the Oklahoma City Thunder in tenth place and has to worry about participating in the play-in itself.

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